i usually go to cdcovers.cc but i found that it doesnt have very new movies. I looked for the island and coud not find but did get lucky with Goodfellas and Blow. but they are older. and other websites u guys know
Here is a list of websites for DVD Covers see if that will help.. http://covers.to http://daprogger.mine.nu/ http://www.incomplete.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/covers.html http://www.dvdcoverz.com/ http://www.spleenworld.com/coverart.html http://www.cdcovers.cc/new_dvd.php http://www.coverland.co.uk/ http://covertarget.com/ http://www.a1cdcreator.com/index.php http://www.boosplaza.com You must register to use this site, I have been very impressed with their covers http://bestcovers.tgnetwk.com http://xmencovers.rebelz.org http://maxcaratulas.redtotalonline.com http://www.coverisland.com http://bestcovers.tgnetwk.com http://www.moviecovers.com http://ww2.mega-search.net/
u can get hi res dvd covers from cdcovers.cc u just have to register at their forum, do a search for the dvd cover u want, then add ur request to the existing post. use a gmail account since the scans are pretty big files
If you are an Aussie stick to cdcovers.cc because I have been using them for 12 months now and have never been let down BECAUSE we are a couple of months behind with new releases and I may add that I love it because I can download them all when they just reach the cinema (ready for when I purchase the dvd's to back up, lol!!!!!!!!)