I'm trying to backup "The Parent Trap" which is encripted, by using DVD Decripter and DVD Shrink. However, about 80% thru DVD Decripter, there's an error message that states "unable to read sector blah, blah, blah" then it ask me if I want to Retry, Abort, Ignore or Cancel. After retrying for a dozen times, I gave up. First I thought it was the source disk so I've tried using another copy of the same movie, but same problem. I've also backed up other encripted movies like Terminator 3 and Phenomenon, and didn't have any problems. What gives?
hmmmmm, so its not a disc problem? ok, go to slysoft.com download a trial of anyDVD and try that i that doesent work, then post here Dean
Hello Dean. I've tried as you suggested but didn't not work. I've also tried DVD Region Free software which is a similar program but didn't work either. Any other suggestions? Wen
sounds like the disc. I have had a couple dvds that look fine (unscratched) and play in my stand alone player but can't be ripped. I get the same error message. You could try to rip it with a dvdrom drive or get a different dvd. It seems like the dvd burner has a laser that is sensitive to some of these small imperfections. I don't think new software will help because the problem is with reading the dvd itself. I have tried some of these problem discs several times by trying to reread the bad areas of the disc. I have always had the same result. Atom
I have had that sort of problem as well. My 2 year old Sony drive will rip at up to 12 times but soemtimes just falls over on a completly good looking disc and DVDDecrypter will just keep on giving read errors. Then if I put it into my Pioneer DVR106 burner it will only rip at 2.1 times (still original firmare) but will read the same disc perfectly. It is sometimes useful to rip in file mode, that way if it stops, you can try again and pick up where it left off rather than start from the beginning again. DVD shrink will always put your disc together again from files even if it is not a dual layer disc. Just takes a bit longer than a straight rip and burn with ISO in DVD Decypter.
Welcome to our little Club there Noel, sorry I didn't understand your post - it's not the first time - won't be the last (lol) Welcome to you too whlin76, Did you try to rip with DVD Decrypter in the "ISO read" mode ?? Remember to go to "Tools", "settings", "ISO read mode", and try to remove PUO's, do that in both the ISO and "File mode". That's 6 different settings using DVD Decrypter alone - Don't quit so quickly ) We'll get that Bad Boy, really we will - Pete
I just had this issue with Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc. 2 DVD's a friend handed to me because they got badly scratched and wanted them backed up. Decrypter/Shrink both had trouble with the bad portions of the discs. Basically, what I ended up doing was setting DVD Decrypter to "Ignore Read Errors" and put the Read Retries to 0. This way it went through the whole way but I got no prompts. Playing the movies back there were 2 little blips and that was it. Of course, as stated, I'd do this in File Mode in Decrypter. Not ISO Read mode. After all was said and done both movies were recovered - it just took A LOT of time to do recover them so I'd recommend letting it sit overnight in decrypter and let it just the work. Once it's decrypted, Shrink will be able to put the movie back together again and all you might notice is a couple little spots that skip for a few seconds and nothing more. Hope this helps and good luck!
Good post Braxas, it goes to prove my point, DVD Decrypter is a serious tool, in my opinion, it can out do most everything else - Again, use this tool for ISO reads and writes and for those "Rare Birds" that need a smack to open them up. Consider DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter and DVD43, FREE tools all that can kick some serious backup problems in the butt - and they say you can't get something for nothing - Hah ! whilm76, we've armed you with some serious tool, some like DVD Decrypter may take some time (I've hit that "retry" button a ton of times but usually I bust through). Cheers all, Pete
When your dealing with files, you can edit them, remove what you want etc. They are pieces that makeup the whole. When dealing with ISO Images it is one solid lump that is the whole. It can be broken up by something like ISO buster and can be moved into something like DVD Shrink, pulled apart, edited then put back together in a solid ISO image and then burned to disc - Pete BTW, Welcome to the Club