I have used decrypter with success then I decided to use dvd2one but I had trouble with it then I tried to burn it. What is the best way to go about this after using decrypter?? Thanks
Rip all files in IFO Mode in DVD Decrypter Load these files into DVD2One & hit full-disk Nero - DVD-Video...load all files into VIDEO_TS folder & burn Job Done ! : )
I ripped the files in IFO mode in Decrypter then I opened up DVD2ONE and selected the source folder which is where the decrypted movie went to then I gave a destination folder and selected full mode and clicked start and I get an error b4 it starts stating missing file video_TS.IFO and then I get a message for full diskcopy you need to copy all the files from the dvd in file mode. What Am I doing wrong? Thanks alot.
Open Dvd decrypter in file mode, press ctrl and A, this will highlight ALL files in blue.... Hit the rip button. Then do your process for FULL disc in Dvd2one and send it to a VIDEO_TS folder.... Then burn the folder.....or load ALL the files into the VIDEO_TS folder as herbsman suggested....
If you always want to make a full disc copy with decrypter there is a setting that will select all files by default rather than just the main movie, this will save you having to remember to ctrl+A all the time.
ctrl + A is a standard windows hot key..... But yes you can set it up to select all files.... Open Dvd Decrypter Click on tools Then click settings Click file mode and the first box on the left is where you can select NONE/MAIN MOVIE/ALL....
I tried it and it worked somewhat the only part that didn't work was towards the end b/c I think it was too large to fit. I think it needs to be edited and reauthorized to remove extras unless there is a way to do it w/o removing them. What is a good program to edit the b4 I burn it thanks.
I use DVD2One , but other ppl usually use DVD Shrink cos it's free (watch out for 'Cyclic Redundancy Error' with DVD Shrink tho)
I did use DVD2ONE I followed what was said up above and it fill the entire DVD but it gave an error after the DVD was full b/c there is more to burn.
You are making no sense there , DVD2One is NOT a burn engine !! Explain yourself in detail then someone may be able to help you. I'm not gonna speculate anymore...
I followed what was said above and as I burned it using ahead nero it came up with an error at the end when there was 1min remaining. When I looked at the DVD it was completely filled so I assume there was more movie to burn onto it.
Set Nero to overburn (its in the menu somewhere) and it should still burn the disc succesfully. The other option is to do what Herbsman is suggesting. If its set to high (the output) lower it to 4300MB as a test. I personally dont like Nero for copying DVD's. Use Record Now Deluxe. You can get it from my signature under user guides.