DVD Decrypter- File Mode vs ISO Mode

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Eliblue, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. Eliblue

    Eliblue Member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    I've been reading through these forums alot and I still don't have a true understanding of the difference between file mode and iso mode when using dvd decrypter.

    Which mode is better? Under what conditions should each mode be used?

    Most of the guides seem to refer to the ISO mode so it seems to be either better or safer than file mode.

    Can anyone shed any light on this issue for me?


  2. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Hi Eliblue,

    the ISO mode makes one big .ISO file of the whole DVD. This is very handy if the size of it is less than 4.38Gb so you can directly burn the whole thing to a DVDR using DVD Decrypter again. The content of the package can be accessed using programs like Daemon Tools or the new versions of DVD Shrink. The benefit of this method is that you won't be able to accidentally alter the structure of the DVD or remove one file from it etc. The drawback is that you will not be able to access the separate files contained in the image unless you use Daemon Tools.

    The File mode writes all the data content of the disc as such to your harddrive (removing the encryption and protections of course), so the outcome will be a bunch of .VOB, .IFO and .BUP files. This comes in handy if you want to further process the files, remove some specific items etc.

    I personally use only the ISO mode, but then I always have to use Daemon Tools in conjunction with it to further process the files.

    I hope this helps.
  3. Eliblue

    Eliblue Member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    Thanks for the reply Ketale and your explanation helped me to better understand the difference between the two modes [bold]BUT[/bold] it also raised an additional question:

    You indicated that you [bold]ALWAYS[/bold] use ISO mode- why?

    What I gathered from the explanation that you gave me is that it would be preferable to use ISO mode for DVD-5 discs and that File mode would be better for DVD-9 discs- is that correct?

    I'll have to do so reading regarding [bold]Daemon Tools[/bold] because I'm not familiar with that software or what it does.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2004
  4. viper6699

    viper6699 Guest

    @eliblue......i think you have understood what ketale has perfectly explained to you very well.

    one point ketale did mention that you may not have picked up on is that the latest version of DVD Shrink will allow you to open an iso file greated by decrypter without the need for any other software and then proceed to re-author it prior to burn (again with decrypter if you donr have anything else).

    all the work you need to do to back up a dvd can now be done with free software.

    one thing you will find though is that there is not a right and wrong way to back up your dvds (only the result is important) and you'll find that different people like different methods.

    though i have not used many methods myself i find it hard to believe there can be an easier way than ketale has explained to you. that method along with a good blank media should cause you no problems.

    good luck
  5. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Hi guys,

    The reason for this is simple: If I use DVD Shrink, there's no need for DVD Decrypter in the first place (except for very rare occasions), so the only times I use DVD Decrypter are
    1) if the original fits a DVDR without compression
    2) if I want to use some more elaborate compression tools than DVD Shrink.

    In both these cases I only have one large .iso file stored on my harddrive instead of a whole bunch of different files and I won't accidentally delete a tiny but absolutely neccessary file and thus ruin the whole disc... ;)
    This is just the way I prefer it and it really doesn't matter how you do it, both ways will work.

    Daemon Tools lets you mount an image (.iso file) as an extra drive, so that it looks like you would have an extra DVD drive with that specific DVD in it. It's really handy and it's free, just click on the link and you'll be able to download it.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2004
  6. chthomson

    chthomson Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hi Eliblue
    Just to backup what Katale has said - I use DVD Decrypter to rip the movie to ISO mode. From here I have full flexability is using the file to make a backup to another DVD or VCD for my kids movies. DVD Shrink will load the ISO file and do its magic to shrink the movie to one disc. I then save to an ISO file then burn with DVD Decrypter. Sometimes I want the whole thing. Sometimes I want just the movie. Sometimes I just want to play and learn more about creating a good backup. An ISO file gives me that flexability. It saves wear and tear on my DVD Rom. With ISO, when the movie is being analyzed, the read speed is faster from the hard drive then from the DVD Rom. This works for me
    I hope this helps
  7. Eliblue

    Eliblue Member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to answer my questions. Hopefully, I'll be in a position to answer some questions myself very soon.

    Just to recap:

    ISO Mode: Creates one big ISO file that contains everything. ISO mode is better if you have a unprotected DVD-5 disc. I'm assuming that dvd decrypter can both create and burn an ISO file but decrypter can only create a File but it can't burn a file. Is this true?

    File Mode: Creates a VIDEO_TS and a AUDIO_TS that can be used with DVD Shrink or some other software. Also, a dvd is easier to manipulate in the File mode which allows you to remove features or extras. File mode is better for DVD-9 discs.

    Thanks for all the help.

  8. chthomson

    chthomson Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hi Eliblue
    DVD Decrypter burns ISO files only.
    DVD Decrypter can rip protected DVD's
    You can create ISO files for either DVD-5 or DVD-9 discs
    DVD Shrink can read ISO files and shrink those files and create an ISO file to burn with DVD Decypter
    I hope this helps

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