DVD Decrypter help needed!

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by gbnw28178, Dec 26, 2002.

  1. gbnw28178

    gbnw28178 Guest

    I have read that you can rip a DVD using this small program as long as it is a certain size only. I have just created an ISO image of HANNIBAL using this program. But the ISO image is large at 7+ GIG. I know this means it will not fit on a standard DVD Blank. Is there another way of spliting this ISO image so it will fit on two DVD's.

    I love this program am I'm wondering if this can be done using only this program, and a DVD Burner. Just really need to know if this large ISO image can be split to fit onto two DVD's now?_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Gary Bolton[/small]
  2. lopies

    lopies Guest

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