You might wanna edit your e-mail address out, against forum rules. Now what other programs are you using with DVD Decrypter and what are your step? I'll assume your trying to do dvd backups, right?
well i wanted to copy ps2 games if it is possible and about the other question, i have no clue. sorry about the e-mail thing
Duke17 First like flip said, get rid of your email address. Steps: I'm assuming you already have DVD Decrypter installed. 1. Click the Decrypter icon and open it. 2. Put a movie in your DVD-rom drive. will see your movie information in the window to the right. Ignore it. 4. At the bottom left you will see a little picture of a disk with the words DVD written on it and an arrow pointed at what looks like a player. click on the disk and then walk away. When you return after about 10 to 20 minutes you will receive a message telling you that the job is done. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
You might want to check out the PS2 backup forum: The one thing I do know ... your PS2 will need a mod chip.
A mod chip?? ... If your want to play a ps2 backup, you'll have to modify your ps2 to be able to read it. I suggest checking out the PS2 forums.
Also, If you wanna do dvd backups. Get DVD Shrink to use with DVD Decrypter. Then have a look at the guides.