Using ripitforme, I followed all the steps, everything worked fine a was at final stage, DVD Decrypter. I inserted a blank DVD-R HP into my drive (D only Drive). Message "Device Not Ready (Medium not present - Tray Closed)appears. I've never had any success backing up a dvd so this is my first time. Please help.
Run Decrypter. In Decrypter, click Tools > Drive > Capabilities. See if it lists Can Write to DVD-R yes. Then click Tools > Drive > Check for firmware update.
Maybe this is a dumb answer, but on my pc it takes about 15 seconds for that notice to disappear and the burn arrow to turn green. How long are you waiting?
Is the drive a burner or only a player? Does the plate on the front say anything about 'Recorder' 'Rewriter' 'RW'?
When Decrypter runs it shows the name of the drive. It might be a whole string. Google all or part of the string until you hit on your drive and eventually you end up at the manufacturers site and find out exactly what you have here. Example, my burner in Decrypter shows "HT-DT-ST-DVD-RAM-H22N". The important part is the 'H22N'. You can also install and run 'VSO INSPECTOR' It will spell out exactly what the drive can do as far as reading and writing. BTW if you have Nero installed, Nero Toolkit will do the same thing.
You don't have a dvd burner. Someone else, same problem.
Well that would explain the problem LOL. So would you recommend replacing the entire ROM or adding a DVD Burner. If so, what brand. I appreciate your help.
If the space is there just add a new DVD burner. You can use the old one to rip DVD's.Save wear on the new one. Good luck.
This is mine. NEC and Pioneer are rumoured to be top of the line....Everyone swears by their own. That site is good for checking out most of these gizmos.