DVD Decrypter problem

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Shazza56, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. Shazza56

    Shazza56 Guest

    I have burnt DVD to my HD with DVD Shrink but when DVD Decrypter launched it won't write to DVD-R, but it will write to DVD+RW. I am putting in a DVD and not a CD, any help would be appreciated.
  2. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    what burner do you have?
  3. Shazza56

    Shazza56 Guest

    Hi, my burner is a HP DVD Writer 300n.

    Also the message I get when trying to burn to a DVD-R is "Device not Ready (Medium not Present). I have just burnt a DVD using DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter onto a DVD-RW and it worked perfectly, just the problem with the DVD-R. Thanks
  4. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    simple, its a +R only writer. It can only write to +R and +RW discs. it cant write to -R or -RW discs.
  5. Shazza56

    Shazza56 Guest

    Thanks for your help, I didn't even realise there was a difference. When I purchased the DVD's I asked the salesman about + and - DVD's, he said there was no difference. He sounds like a newbie as well. Thanks again.

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