I was wondering if anyone knew the right settings for DVD Decrypter to decryt CSS Copy Protected DVDs? I'm trying to do this with Spykids 3, has anyone had any success with DVD Decrypter with this DVD? It keeps crashing or giving me an CSS ERROR around 54% of decryption. I've done lots of dvds this is the first time I see this kind of problem! I must have a setting that's not right for this kind of copy protection. Someone's expertise would be nice! Ying
Hi Ying Tok, I would take a good close look at your original DVD for dirt or damage. If it made it half through the decrypting process then I would think Decrypter is working and its something else. Jerry
Just a thought. Do you have enough Hard Drive space available? Try DVD Shrink. Sometimes disks are particular about the ripper being used.
I've tried it on DVD SHrink also and it gives me an ERROR also the ERROR reads as: I/O Error! Device:ScsiStatus:0x02 Interpretation:Check Condition CDB 28 00 00 1F 4D 24 00 00 01 00 Interpretation:Read(10)-Sector:2051364 Sense Area:70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 Interpretation:Unrecovered Read Error This is in DVD Decrypter at Total: 54% and Current 43% I also tried the other DVD and it gave me the same ERROR! So I'm stumped! Any suggestions anyone? Does anyone have the settings setup for DVD Decryptor to copy anything? I have mine on default! Ying
I hate to say it again, but you have a defective original that you are trying to copy. 2 different programs are giving you a read error. Its the disc you are trying to copy thats the problem. Not the software programs. Clean the originals as well as you can and retry. Jerry