dvd decrypter,shrink problem ?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dodzy, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. dodzy

    dodzy Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    Hi folks,

    I'm new th this dvd burning thing so I reckon this query has been posted ( and replied to ) several times. Apologies for the repetition but cant find the answer. The problem - DVD decrypt ( CSS protested ) disk to HDD. using ISO - read. Decrypts and backs up file to original size. Dvd shrink process selected. Analysis - encoding and off for coffee. Forgot to put blank dvd in burner. Message on return is "successful backup of files to C drive for burning later". Now, on C: I have folders which were created named VIDEO TS and AUDIO TS. Is it possible to burn these to disk or do I have to encode again ( with a blank DVD inserted ) ???????
  2. oneacer

    oneacer Regular member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    Simple DVD Backup Steps

    First create a folder for your HD backup. Try to put it someplace where you won’t forget it (i.e. C:/All DVD Work).

    Next download DVD Decrypter (link below) and under mode select “ISO, Write”. Un-tick the box that says, “verify”. Where it says, “source”, you’ll leave that blank, as DVD Decrypter will find the location of your backed up DVD file automatically. Lastly, where it says “Destination”, select the drive where your burner resides. Feel free to close DVD Decrypter; DVD Shrink will open it when it needs it.

    The link for the newest DVD Decrypter -

    Download DVD Shrink (link below). Open it and click “Edit”, then click “Preferences” on this page we’re going to select “Target DVD Size” as custom and set the size to 4360MB - we do this to make extremely sure that our disc isn’t too large. Then under the “File I/O” tab un-tick “Enable burning with Nero” then click “OK”.

    The link for the newest DVD Shrink -

    Place your original DVD in your DVD-ROM drive and a DVD blank in your burner’s drive. (Many people suggest using Ritek G04, Verbatim or media boasting “Advanced AZO Dye. All other media could very well cause errors, only the very best media should be used for DVD Video backups. Now is definitely not the time to put your cheap stuff in, although there are a lot of people that have success with the cheaper media including myself, however I am currently using Ritek Ridata, which you can get for approx. .35 - .39 each (+R).)

    Click on “Open Disk”.

    Before you rip with Shrink, you have the option of selecting “Full Disk” or selecting “Re-author“. Most of the time before I rip with Shrink, I select re-author and then double-click on the Main Movie (usually Title 1). This moves over only the main movie to the left to be ripped. I don't even bother with the menus, as you can still select chapters with your player.

    Now, click on “Backup!”. Take just a second and under “Target Device” go to “Select backup target” once there, select “ISO image file and burn with DVD Decrypter”. Finally, where it says “Select target image file”, browse till you find your created folder (i.e. C:/All DVD Work) for your backup and click “Save”. That’s it! Click “OK” and DVD Shrink burns that ISO image to your HD. It then opens DVD Decrypter and has it burn the ISO image to your waiting blank DVD.

    P.S. You will find it easy if you place a shortcut on your desktop for “All DVD Work”. This way you can open it and empty it often as the movies stay there, in case you need to backup again. However the more you keep in there, the quicker you run out of HD space.

    Also don’t use your PC for anything at all while it’s backing up, including turning off anti-virus, screen savers, and all other programs that might be running in the background.

    Good Luck
  3. michigan

    michigan Guest


    Open Shrink and instead of "open disc" use the button next to it that says "open file", look for the file that contains your ts folders select it and burn them to disc.

    And welcome to the club
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]emachines T1862, 1.8ghz, 762 ram, 60gig hdd, 10gig hdd, lite-on multiformat dvd, 1394 IEEE
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2004

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