Hi Everyone I'm still very new to this but so far have had success backing up some of my DVDs using DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink. I'm a bit confused however. Before I found this forum I'd discovered through trial and error how to use Shrink and Decryptor and I've been running DVDDecryptor FIRST then shrinking and burning with DVDShrink (linked to Nero). However all the advice in the forum points to doing it the other way round ie shrink first then decryptor. Am I doing something wrong or missing something the way I'm doing it? Thanks
method 1=rip with shrink, burn with decrypter method 2=as above, burn with nero method 3=rip with decrypter, shrink with shrink, and burn only do this if shrink has difficulty with opening the movie or cracking css (very rare)
Would there be any difference between ripping with shrink or decrypter in the quality of the final burned copy?
nope. for 1, its impossible to back up a dvd9 using only decrypter (the movie must be compressed, which decrypter cant do). So wether you run straight from shrink, or rip to hard drive first using decrypter, shrink is still needed
I'm sure I read somewhere (possibly in one of these forums) that you should always decrypt a movie first before attempting to shrink it and that would ensure higher quality when finally burning it. That's why I was using decryptor first - is this true?
Slork, Welcome. If you use DVDShrink it will 99% of the time decrypt the movie properly. There is a small chance that it will have a problem every now and then so that is when you use DVDDecrypter. You can use any of the methods deadcat stated in his post and be OK