Hi All, I havent burned any movies for a while. now i am ready to start burning again.I used to use dvd decryptor then dvd 2 one then another proggie i forget to burn the movie then i used dvd x copy express but now i cant get it to work it was a hacked copy. anyways i was wondering what the newest and best software is for copying my new dvds.i want to copy any of my new dvds no matter the size to one disk with as good as guality as i can get i dont want subtitles or extras only the movie itself preferably easy to understand software.I am wondering what the new best burning process is everyone is using i have sony dru 500a burner. how good is the new dvd decryptor and does it shrink the movies too? i read the review on it but what is aspi and why do i need it also what does that mean it only burns dvds smaller than 4.36 gig?isnt that what the size is after you shrink it? I know all this has been asked prolly thousands of times but im short on time and i read the first 7 pages of the dvd forums already. well i appreciate anyhelp youre willing to give thank you all
You get what you pay for DVD Decrypter is still tops for ripping movies under 4.36GB and the occassional title that DVD Shrink doesn't like. DVD Shrink is tops for re-authoring and compressing and will now burn using either Nero or DVD Decrypter. Install them both and if they don't see your drives then you need to update your ASPI here: http://cd-rw.org/articles/archive/aspisetup.cfm _X_X_X_X_X_[small][/small]
Hi neph, i usually download versions of x copy express till i get one that works i have like 20 or so that i have downloaded i have always gotten them to work but now im having probs anyways when you say dvd decrytor is good for movies under 4.36 gigs do you mean that it will burn movies good that you want to take and put on one disk? for example i just want to burn all of my movies each onto its own disk a single disk?a dvd is 4.7 gigs at least what i buy and it can only hold 4.36 gb so dvd decryptor will work fine for me correct?I just want to be sure im understanding you correct.
for almost every single commercial dvd, you will need to use dvd shrink to compress the movie to fit on dvd-r.