dvd decryptor

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by aponkye, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. aponkye

    aponkye Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Hello.I have been using dvd decryptor and dvd shrink to back up my dvd movies for some time now and its been good everytime except one film.That is lord of the rings (the fellowship of the ring).I have been able to burn the other two parts return of the king and the second part on dvdr"s but this first part keeps eluding me.I do get an,error I/O,Scsi status:0x02.Interpretation: read(10)-sector:90149
    sense area :70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00.
    Interpretation; unrecoverd read error.Every other movie that i burn works out except this one .does anyone understand this jargon and what can I do about it?
    Ps I use a NEC 1300A.
    Thanks in advance for any relvant information.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    That type of error means Decrypter can't read a certain spot on the disc. This is most often caused by a dirty/scratched disc or a small bit of corrupt data on the disc.

    I'd suggest cleaning the disc and if that doesn't work try knocking the read speed way down and if that doesn't work try setting Decrypter to ignore read errors :)
  3. aponkye

    aponkye Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    I have tried cleaning/changing the settings as you said /ignoring errors.Still does not help.I think that the producers have put that read error there to make copying not possible.I am still open to suggestions.
  4. pirret

    pirret Guest

    Hey Nephilim I've had this problem many times using Decrypter (great little software) and yes it is mainly always a disc problem, take gothika for instance nice new shiny RED DVD yes RED, what a problem I had trying to read that boy, there was a report somewhere about the amount of Manufacturing problems and returns (no Audio, and also totally blank) very expensive blanks ehhh!
  5. pirret

    pirret Guest

    Aponkye: try another disk to see if you get the same problem it sound like a crap disk
  6. aponkye

    aponkye Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Pirret.I am making a copy of tarzan for my son at the moment and decryptor is working perfectly.I guess you are right and nephillim also.I tried playing the original disk and it is shit.thanks anyway for the advice.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2004
  7. pirret

    pirret Guest

    Aponkye: Ihave found DVD Decrypter to be very reliable, when it doesnt read a disk right, I take it back and get another and hey presto it works, standalone dvd players are much more forgiving when you play with slight errors on disks, but PC DVD burners are far to precise and pick up every little fault that is on the disks
  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I don't believe they introduced a read error to prevent copying as there have been many folks here that have copied that very same title with no problems.

    It could very well be a bad factory disc. I've read different theories about this such as a bad master or one that gets worn. Hard to say for sure why but it does happen.

    If the disc is relatively new and you're able to return it for a new one I'd suggest doing so. This has done the trick for many people :)

    Another alternative is DVDX Rescue. This app is very good at extracting data from damaged or corrupt discs. I don't know how available it is now since the company that made it has recently closed it's doors.
  9. aponkye

    aponkye Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Hi its me again.I did return the film for a new one (lord of the rings) got the same problem.I had a couple of other film and i can copy those with relative ease.Will try the dvdx thing to see if it will work.thanks

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