Okay, has anyone had experience with Samsung drives? I'm looking at this one on Newegg. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827151175 Samsung EIDE/ATAPI Model SH-S222A OEM. ($24.99+6.98 S&H) Or if you know of a better deal, please let me know. Now I'm also needing advice on the particular type of drive. My computer drive shows this in the device manager ATAPI DVD A DH16A1L ATA Device as well as a Physical Device Object Name of \Device\IDE\IDE Device P3TOLO-3 Can you confirm if the drive I'm looking to buy is compatible or the same type? Thanks in advance
should have no problem using that drive as long as jumpered same as old drive as in master, slave or cable select.