Hey, i got 2 cd drives 1- cd reader 2- cd writer i go no scsi drive but my pc detects a 3rd DVD drive.... i dont have it installed, and my scsi/raid controller is installed. Everytime i uninstall it, it keeps reinstalling everytime i uninstall it
You could solve the problem with a windows repair or a fresh instal of windows. i had a similar problem. Wait for Ken to see the thread, he'll probably know better than me.
k man, ill wait for ken can u tell him 2 see this topic? im sure if u get this problem in the future u will also be able to fix the problem.
I am not ken, but what Operating system are you running? I have had some similar trouble in Linux with my CD writer. Does it correctly idenify your Cd writer? Some cheaper CD writers have the DVD rom capabilities (as were reject combo DVD-Rom/CD-RW) dives. That could also be the issue, what is the make and model of your Cd-Rw drive?
i got winxp yes my pc can identify the cd-rw my cdrw is Maxell MCD-RW24-1024-L and my cd drive runs smoothly, but doesnt burn at full spead. This is what my pc also detects: AXV CD/DVD-ROM SCSI CdRom Device but i got no scsi devices installed, what i do? i think this is why my pc is slowing down
Sorry guys, I was out golfing and sitting by the pool. What if you were to disable the SCSI setting in the BIOS? OK, maybe a better question is for me to get a feel for your level of understanding computers. None of these questions are ment to offend; just understand what level you are at: (1) Do you know what BIOS is? (2) Do you know how to get into your BIOS? Also, at what point is your computer taking a while to boot up? Does it get as far as the XP splash screen? Let me know and we'll see if we can get this sorted out.
lol, its alright, im no newbie but ill tell you anyways 1- i know what a bios is 2- i know how to get into it xp loads perfectly, but it takes a very long time to load
OK, good. Is there anywhere in the BIOS where it has the option to disable the SCSI devices or SCSI controller? Because if they are disabled from the BIOS, the computer won't spend 5 minutes looking for them. Let me know if this works out and/or if this is something you've already tried.
there was only 1 scsi option which i disabled but nothing happened, i tried it yesterday. no change what so ever, any ideas?
You've got me on this one. Aside from the obvious but also painfull wiping the hard drive and re-istalling the OS. I know with my computer when I re-install Windows boots up in less than 30 seconds, but now is back up to over 2 minutes. Unless you've recently installed Windows......
have u just changed something? did your pc just start booting from 2 minutes? i did install sp1, do you think that may have caused it? my windows has been installed for a long time. Is there no other way of removing the scsi/raid controller?
No, my boot up has increased slowly in time over the last year. I'm running 2000, not XP so I'm not sure if SP1 has anything to do with it. One thing I know for a fact from my friends, and this is something I don't want you to answer on this board....... is your copy of XP licensed? One of the things with SP1 is if more than one person is using the same CD key, it will cause all kinds of errors. Now just in case that isn't it.... how are you removing this device? If you just remove it Windows will re-detect it next time it boots up. If you select "disable this device" it won't come back again.
my xp is licensed, dont worry i did disable it from there but it still takes time for my windows 2 load
Only thing I can think of is USB devices will be observed as SCSI devices. But The specs from what I read appear to be an Internal IDE drive and not USB or SCSI. You might just have to live with the slow boot time.
Thats odd, I have never used that program, does it create a fake DVD drive? Codez did you resently install this or test this program?
well its true, after i installed alcohol 120% it came up but its ok now, thanks anyways i had this program, when i uninstalled it, it went p.s never install service pack 1 (sp1) if your xp works fine
sorry..guys to interrupt... need some kind info about MCD-RW24, Maxell CDRW, it works just fine with win98SE but when I switch to winXP, I can't burn CDs anymore. can you give some help...thanks PS. there's an updated firmware for this cd drive..Mcd24.zip from Maxell website...would this firmware solve my problem ?? is there any precaution to take before running this firmware