DVD file burns narrow

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by TowCutter, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. TowCutter

    TowCutter Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    l have a copy of a dvd l own on my hard drive it plays fine on the comp but when l go to burn it to another DVD it burns narrow ...... so the image is only a small strip across the screan ..... l have ffdshow that fixed the up side down problem l was having .... can you please help lve looked at all the setting till my eyes bleed .......
  2. viper64

    viper64 Guest

    What software did you use to rip the movie to your hard drive?
  3. TowCutter

    TowCutter Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    nero ...... lve now found it to be s#&@ ....
    and since a child has stood on the original DVD l can recopy it now .....
  4. viper64

    viper64 Guest

    Look all you need is DVD SHRINK and Nero
    1. Rip your movie with shrink (Put on hard drive)
    2. Burn you movie with nero (put on blank dvd)
    3. If you need step by step let me know!!
  5. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Rent the movie (since the kid so nicely changed the shape of the disc for you) and back it up again using Shrink
  6. TowCutter

    TowCutter Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    thanks l still have problems sometimes with useing shrink then nero ..... so now l use shrink place in a file then use InterVideo DVDCopy and its perfect everytime ....... not one bad copy yet .....
    l also get re-writables cheep so l use them that way if it goes wrong l just can start again
    thanks for your time ......
  7. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Any time, don't be a stranger.
  8. TowCutter

    TowCutter Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    Ive manage to change the size.....
    by converting it with Super DVD Creator it makes it full screan ...... then l use InterVideo WinDVD Creator 2 to change it into DVD formate then l use InterVideo DVDCopy and its perfect now .......
    incase anyone else has the problem ...... a little work and time but its all straight forward ........
  9. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Glad you got it figured out. Don't be a stranger stop back by and give us a jingle when you get a chance.

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