I was trying to burn a DVD from a saved backup using DVD Shrink (Initially, the DVD kept giving me an error message with Shrink that it was copy right protected but eventually it relented)...I had the DVD backed up in a folder and then later tried to burn the files separately with Nero (Which I have done successfully for countless DVDs)...However, it would not let me try, giving me the following error message: "DVD-files compliance test failed. The resulting DVD-Video might be unplayable. Do you want to continue?" Now, I haven't seen this message in burning before and so I tried clicking 'Ok' but got the following message: "There has been a defective read error during the operation, which may result in a defective write. Do you wish to continue the write anyway?" So, I clicked 'Ok' and away it went. The DVD is not reallly working properly (Ritek 04 DVD-R) on playback. My question is this (2 part), what was the error about and how can I prevent it from happening again? My second question is, how do I circumvent the initial Shrink problem regarding Copyright protection?...Someone has mentioned DVD Encrypter before but I thought that was for a 4.36 DVD...Thanks
It sounds like the files were corrupted during the rip process. Try playing the movie with a media player, pause it then open Shrink. this will help unlock it. Decrypter can decrypt DVD-9s it just can't compress so it cannot write them. You can decrypt a movie to a location on your hard drive and then use Shrink to compress.
Thanks FasFrank, I will try that...Unfortunately, I don't have the DVD that I ripped originally, anymore =( Thanks for the tip about Decrypter and using the Media Player for unlocking...Muchos gracias, much appreciated! Cheers Euro 2004!!!!