dvd game files?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by 2xtuesday, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. 2xtuesday

    2xtuesday Guest

    hey guys once again im in need of help. ive recently obtained battle front II and downloaded completely but when i look in the folder the files are totaly different then that of me taking my xbox disc and taking the files from it. it has clr-swbf2.r1-44 and that stuff, but im not sure if im supposed to just take these files onto a dvd or somthin cuz i dont have a burner!!!>>! plz help very confused
    and if i didnt explain so well myself sorryz
  2. FlashBios

    FlashBios Member

    Nov 9, 2005
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    The r-44 files or whatever are WinRAR files. just rightclick the ***01 file and choose sxtract here or wherever you want it and WinRAR will take care of the rest of them by itself. Then you should end up with an ISO file if it's a game. that's an image which you can burn with nero or recordnow max or almost every program.
  3. 2xtuesday

    2xtuesday Guest

    wait so i can burn this without a dvd-r/dvd-rw drive???
    cuz all i gto is a cd burner
  4. FlashBios

    FlashBios Member

    Nov 9, 2005
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    No, of course you need a dvd burner to burn a dvd. xbox games are dvd:s. When you extract the file you'll see that it's quite large (some gigs). The extracted file will probably be an .iso file.

    But, you probably have a modded xbox so you can ftp into it. You'll need to have for example evolutionX installed on it. So if you still got enough hard drive space on your xbox E/ partition then you could copy the files there. not the rar files but after you've extracted those into an .iso you could use XDFSExtract to extract the files from the iso image.

    Then transfer these files into the E/ partition on the xbox into a folder with the name of the game. Then reboot your xbox and in EvoX go to games and select the game and voilá, the game starts =)

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