I am a cd burner freak and now i want to burn some dvd's that i downloaded. I have Windows Xp and would like to know, how i can find out, if my laptop can even burn DVD's. (I have the software, Clonedvd)
Run Nero info tool to find out what your burner can do. http://www.iomagic.com/downloads/utilities/NeroInfoTool_207.zip
thank you, that worked and it came out that i can only write cd's. Do i now have to by a dvd burner and is it expensive??? what are my options, so to say, if i want to burn a dvd??
Yeah your going to have to buy an External DVD burner. You can take a look here to get a feel for prices and what you want. once you find what you want search for the cheapest price.http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?CatId=483&Nav=|c:89|&Sort=3&Recs=10 Hope this helps...
you can buy a DVD burner real cheap now... less than 50.00 if you find some bargrains..... most members here love the Lite-On burners: http://www.newegg.com/Store/Category.aspx?Category=10&name=CD-DVD-Burners-Media after that I suggest you look at some of the guides here and learn how to burn a DVD, and familiarize yourself with the software out there: http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/ good luck ........ happy burning and welcome to AfterDawn
You can get a external USB DVD burner at resonable prices if you search around, but I would recommend using newegg.com you can get one for around 60$ there and they are very reputable. Link to DVD Writers Edit: I see IHoe just beat me to the reply ;-)
I have been doing great actually just really busy with work lately, but I check in here at AD when I can. Later