OK..used the guide used DVD decrypter and then tried to burn using my Nero SmartStart (5?) of course did not work. so then I tried using DVD Shrink......was lacking room in my C Drive. My burner is an external.. my roms do not read DVD's (though one was supposed to). Is there a simpler way to burn and back up a DVD using an external drive without using up all your C drive? Should I just chuck in the towel? My computer is Windows XP..... I have Nero as my burning program. Is there anything else I need? (other than DVD Decrypter and DVD shrink) I'm not computer stupid but this has me stumped.
of all the programs you mentioned, none of them have the capability to remove newer protections. I am not sure exactly what you are having problems with. Using the correct programs you should have no problem backing up a movie from your external burner. What problem are you having other than lack of space on your C drive?? You need to get a program like dvdfab HD decrypter (free)here or anydvd from here (not free, but has a 21 day free trial), lately I've become a real fan of imgburn (free) Sorry to say, but you will need some space on your c drive to do backups.... the temp files have to go somewhere.
Why don't you go to Newegg.com and get an External Hard drive http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2000150414+4026&name=$50+-+$75
Thank you so much! an external hard drive.... that is an excellent idea. Thank you. I tried finding things to delete from my C drive. I just couldn't beleive that after I had the DVD on my C Drive, and then shrunk it...why the one file could not replace the other. Like when you edit a picture. But then a picture is much smaller than a DVD. An external hard drive...look like the solution to my problem. The DVD I was backing up, do you have to decrypt the entire thing..all the files..or can you just do the movie itself and still have it come out decently. I had originally downloaded it with only the movie files which took half an hour , then though better of it and decided to choose all files....another 45 minutes later..I was able to get to work. Have any of you done just the movie..and none of the extras? and still have it come out decently?
if you choose to do the movie only you will actually have much better results. Smaller file to compress= less compression= better quality. The only downside (or maybe not) is that you don't get all the bonus features.
awesome..thank you. I feel much better choosing just the movie.. I don't want the extras.. just the movie to watch. I am a den leader..and I hate having my Scouts messing with my originals.. so if I could just burn the movie for them to view..I would feel more comfortable with that. Scouts....any young children, just don't have the respect for DVD's and CD's yet. *scraaaaaaaaatch* skip skip skip
Getting a second HDD is a great solution. You can get by with having 15 GB of free space on your C HDD. Just remember if your program doesn't remove the ripped and temporary files used to burn the DVD, remove them yourself and defrag your C drive after several burns.