I've searching for guides, i've read guides, but i found nothing that answer my question. I've a dvd, stripped the ending trailer and credits but it is 18 meg too big, so the dvd begins with a trailer (video_ts.vob) after that the menu (vts_01_0.vob). The trailer is 22 meg, i'll tried to strip the trailer, because i want hold the menu. but after that the dvd don't start with the menu but starts with chapter 1. can anyone explain what i doing wrong? i've also tried to create new ifo files. thx.
i havent every copyed a movie but it seems to me that if u just cut the trailor from 22 megs to just 4 megs but that might screw up the timing i dont know they do that in games when riping them just replace a movie file with a second of black screen
i havent every copyed a movie but it seems to me that if u just cut the trailor from 22 megs to just 4 megs but that might screw up the timing i dont know they do that in games when riping them just replace a movie file with a second of black screen