Ok guys i'm haveing trouble burning movies. When i burn them and try to play them on dvd players they will play good some and then they will have lil gleeches like their trying to freeze. They look good as far as quality goes they just dont play good. I really dont think its media cause i've used alot of different kinds and they all pretty much do the same. I was thinkin it might be my burner. I dont think its a firmware issue cause its up to date. My system is a Insignia with a pentium 4 2.8GHz with 512 ddr ram.It has 2 drives... a sony cd rom cdu 5212 and a sony dvd rw dw-d22a. I use dvd santa to convert and nero to burn and i only burn at 4x. It dont seem like that matters cause what ever programs i use my dvds have problems playing.Thanks guys in advance for any help.
The media i am using rite now is RITEK F16. But i have used many different types of media from real good to not so good and all seem to be about the same in final product.
the downloaded films which i put on dvd ,i can only watch them on computer,when i try to play it on dvd player it does not work,can anybody tell me why is that
i stopped using dvd santa for the same reason. i now use vso divxtodvd(its free,its cool) to convert to dvd format then burn with clonedvd. i got tired of waiting around for a crappy copy and wasting disks
verbatim is good but i have a 42"inch sony plasma hdmi tv with surround sound sony gear and i test burn with media gear 4.7gb 120min which is the cheapest spindle around $19.95 for 50 blanks i dont have no probs at all. i have a crappy hp pressario computer with a pissweak 1.8ghz processor and stock standard dvd writer and still get good copies right till the end. in utero disks are disks mofo, if they turn out good on el cheapo's their gonna turn out better on "popular" brands of disk. the disk are not faulty nor unrecognisable each disk passes a quality control procedure before leaving the factory they were made. if you think its the crappy disks then you better alert the company for a stock rollback and refund
I've searched for this vso divxtodvd to convert but i cant find it for free. I have found some trial versions for free but it put writing across the screen after i convert so where can a get the full program at for free not a trial. Thanx
right here bro. type 'vso freeware' into google and ride the first link. download/install/enjoy. p.s. this not the commercial version so if you like it buy it. peace bro
Thanks for the link and the info on converting. I still have a problem though. Earlier today i downloaded a movie which was already dvd format and i burned it through nero at 4x and it still had a couple of lil gleeches almost like a freeze just real quick. I used fuji film dvd+r which codes as Ritek F16. which is 2nd class media and i figure should be pretty good. So i was wondering if it might be a firmware issue with my burner or maybe the burner all together.
I've tried clonedvd and still got some gliches. I tested some of my fuji dvds through nero speed test and got scores in the high 20's and the graphs were very colorful reds and oganges. but i tested some dvds my cousin burned and his where sony ID: sony16D1 and they tested in single digits for quality but the graphs were not as colorful.His dvds play good though with no skips or gliches. This is why i think it might be my burner or something. Looks like if it was media his dvds would skip and glich. but I dont know so someone please help me decide what i need to do.Thanks guys for all the help so far.
hello camaro try this link,it's all free & it's work me so far. just be sure to read it over a few times & print copy to follow when you start. have fun & good luck to ya RipIt4Me http://www.ripit4me.org/guide.html
programs don't cause the freeze ups and legos it's the crappy disc you use and the speed you burn at use good disc to make sure that you are burning right then you can attack your programs if you ignore this you will always make coasters it want matter what program you use
Hello bbmayo, Its sporatic, all through the dvd. Sometimes the beginning or middle and sometimes toward the end. Just never know where its gonna do it.
this really sounds like a media issue, but it could just be your process. Give this a try DVDFab,Shrink,ImageBurn and let us know how it works then
Thanks bbmayo i'll give this a try and cross my fingers, then i'll let u know how it turns out.Thanks again