when i put a dvd on dvd-r and play it on a standalone dvd player it jumps in the film about 4 to 6 times how can i stop this. please help me thanxs
Welcome leecopp Most likley it is the media you are using. What brand is it?? Also it could be your stand alone player, have you tried other players? usually its the media though, there are several recommended types....Which are you using.
Jumping, freeze-up, and other playback problems are usually from poor quality blank media. Try changing to a better brand media like Ritek or Verbatim. That should help clear up the problem. You might also try burning at a lower speed with the media you have. Good luck. Jerry
Hi, the media i am using is Packard Bell, 4.7Gb, 1x speed. do you suggest that i try and get better media then this, thanxs for your help.
Leecopp YES definetly As Jerry746 suggested try Ritek or verbatim, I personally use Prodisk, work fine for me over 50 burns no coasters (i use 4x not sure what your burner speed is) you can find these online at either www.supermediastore.com or www.meritline.com both places have really good prices. I would definetly switch, i had the exact same problem with the liquid video DVD-r i bought at circuit city. Cheap media and Bad media are not the same thing, you can get cheap (good quality) media, but when you buy cheap (bad quality) media your just wasting your money....AND TIME Anyway give any one of those a try and good luck...any other ?'s feel free to ask
Thanx for your reply's if i have any problems when i have switched, i will tell you. thank you for helping me.
Question: Why does my backup copy play back with pauses, skips and stops? Answer: Over half the time the issue is simply with a scheduled process (like Windows XP auto-defrag, or most often a screensaver that tries to kick on at specified intervals, which would translate into skip/breakup). One of the best ways to resolve this matter is to simply turn off your screensavers and power-saving options. Then, shut down any possible background processes that may act on their own while idle (like virus scanners, pop up killers, and the like) and attempt your backup again. Doing this has insured me perfect playback and 0% coasters using Ritek R03 media with my Ricoh writer. Follow these hints and I believe that you'll enjoy similar success! _X_X_X_X_X_[small] ... Don't piss me off ... ... I'm running out of places to hide the bodies ...[/small]
Could some one tell me what is the diffrence between DVD-R media and DVD+R media. Also what is Dual/Double layer DVDs. thanks