Can someone tell me what im doing wrong here... 1. download avi/bin movie. 2. use vitual dub to save wav and decompress.(or if bin i use iso buster) 3. use tmpeg to encode 4. i then use dvd movie factory to convert to an iso file. 5. then i use dvd decrypter to burn onto dvd. but whenever i do this..the movie is great ,sound is in sync with video..but i allways get the dvd freezing up on me..maybe 3 or 4 times maybe more..and i get the "correcting disk error" message. i use yellow datawrite and orange bulkpaq but it still happens whatever disk i use. can someone help me to stop this occuring. am i doing this process correctly? Thanks
gynrat, I suggest a decent media, both of the ones you listed are fair at the very best. Cheap media skips, freezes, sticks and either plays some or none of what's on it. It's fine for data, spread sheets and even pics but for video - BLAaaat, not good at all. As they say, the cheap isn't cheap at all ! You want to set your sights on Ritek G04's OR Verbatim - excellent, both of them Pete
Hi again pete What do u think of these disks?..or can you send me a link for some so i can buy them. Thanks again Gymrat
gymrat, Howdieeeeee, That thaaar link was for dem Ritek G04's, Now how much better than that can youse get when youse at da top "O" da heap ??? lol Congrats - The "Good Stuff" will never let you down Pete
Thankyou young pete u think my ram is something to do with the problem also..i have 256 ddr ? Cheers partner Gymrat
Yes Sir, young gymrat, It is on the low end of the scale - Ya might go into msconfig and turn everything off in "startup" then give it a chance - that way it'll have plenty of resources Pete
never thought of that you cool dude you. but going to get some more ram now me thinks. Thanks matey Gymrat