DVD lens cleaners

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Snatched, May 31, 2007.

  1. Snatched

    Snatched Guest

    Which DVD laser lens cleaner is considered to be the best or more reliable???
    I once purchased a 2 dollar brand and had no success. Should I spend a little bit more??? From what I gather they all seem to have the same standard six brush cleaning system. Why is it some work while others do not???
  2. sorrow93

    sorrow93 Regular member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    there is *alot* of discussion about this, some people think the manual method of blowing compressed air over the lens is the best way but it involves removing the burner and also the dust might get blown elsewhere... I use a soft fibre lens cleaner from an australian record store and that seems to do the job well, don't go for the budget chinese made perhaps go to an electronics or music specialty store and purchase a good brand.
    some also think the brushes might scratch the lens but with todays technology I don't think it's possible and besides that most of the brushes are softer than hair. (and made of gentle fibre now)
    I wish I could recommend a brand but I'm in Australia but spend a little more at a quality store you will know when you see one
    I know from personal experience they do help I had a burner years ago that burned a certain disc fine but had trouble later with the same disc and I contacted a PC guy who recommended a lens cleaner disc and I thought "rubbish" anyway I tried it and it worked - that disc burned perfectly - never underestimate the menace of dust

  3. Snatched

    Snatched Guest

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my thread. I will take everything you have mentioned into consideration.
  4. sorrow93

    sorrow93 Regular member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    I will say a lens cleaning disc is better than *nothing* they are effective
    I wasn't sure if you intended to clean a stand-alone-player lens or a burner-lens I assumed burner but any lens will benefit from a clean
    hope some of this might be helpful
    I will babble one more thing I have never used the wet method of cleaner liquid I prefer the traditional dry brushes I just don't like the idea of liquid needing to dry in my machines


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