hi, im new to burning and have a samsung dvd reader and an external atapi dvd rw. it is usb 2.0 connected to a usb 1.0 so it is a bit slower than it should be. i have bought 5 dvds that i own off of a person on the net. i have tried copying the ones that i got.i have tried using record now, nero and various other programs but can't seem to do an exact copy. when i do it in nero it says please insert a bigger disk of these types dvd-r, dvd+r or dvd r/w. i cant understand why its saying this. i have tried it with all 5 and 2 are about 4.5gb and the other 2 are about 2gb. when using sonic record now it says source to big for destination. i have 60gb of space left on my computer. why cant i do it. i can rip it to my hard drive then put it on a disk but i want to do an exact copy. please help me. Thanks
Mitchdog If these disks, that youre trying to backup, are Single layer IE DVD5, then you can use DVD decrypter to rip & burn them. IE decrypter "Mode --ISO read, then Mode ---ISO write" I suspect that you may have Dual layer disks IE DVD9 that need compression. In that case download DVDshrink 3.2 and transcode the files to fit on a blank disk. There is a good guide on this forum for shrink newcomers. I hope this helps.
hi, the dvds are not any of what you say they are and i want to do an exact copy so i dont know whats wrong.
Mitchdog Well they must be on single or dual layer disk surely? Download dvd shrink. The disks will be analysed when loading. This will let you know what's present on the disks & the relevant file sizes. You've got nowt to lose. DVD shrink is FREE.
hi, the dvds are single layer. i have copied the copy of day after tomorrow and i insert the blokes copy into my samsung dvd drive and it reads it but my copy doesnt read. i go on my computer, click drive D which is the samsung drive and it says please insert disk when my copy is in so why isntit reading it. on dvd shrink it reads the film and that but then what after that. i want to do an exact copy with a program but it has that error message. the destination drive thing.