I just want to know if someone knows of a software that do a dvd by recording both layer like the dvd that you buy I have record movies using my ATI card and (Ulead DVD Facory 2) and I have no problem but I was wondering if a software was recording on bothe layer. Thaks for any Info
Hi there mark2000, Welcome to our little corner of the web - As you're probably aware, software isn't the problem, all you need to do is put more material on the disc - it's the hardware you need. You don't need a program to write to dual layer, it's like a larger disc, you just put more on to it ) If something were needed it would take a couple of hours for a programmer to knock out something BUT as I said it's a hardware thingie - Actually, you arrived just in time - the dual burners were released the end of May and run about $200. 00 (USD) http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INT...VDBurn_DVDBurners&ProductSKU=DRU700A&Dept=cpu Media for the dual was released early in June. It is a bit expensive, several $$$$ a disc but will drop in time - Now when you backup a DVD it's a perfect 1:1 copy. You might want to hang in there for awhile, pretty soon we're expecting a firmware hack that will allow the pioneer 107 to burn dual also . Now it's possible to put many movies on a single dual layered DVD. I'm guessing somewhere about in the 8 to 10 hours worth of viewing pleasure - is that kool or what ? Save your pennies, things are happening Cheers, Sea Yaaaaaaaaaaa, Pete _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, JLMS DVD ROM, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec 4X R/W ND-1300A, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– X[/small]
ScubaPete Do you think there will be a Firmware Hack for the Plextor 712A to allow Dual Layer Burning.
The reason I mentioned the Pioneer is because of its popularity and all the other Hack stuff they have had so far (and because I have one, I praying also, Lol). Plextor is extremely popular and much work has been done in the past on Plextor also Sooooo, the possibility is there, we can only wait and see - The lasers on both are plenty hot enough to do the job so we're only in need of the software Pete _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, JLMS DVD ROM, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec 4X R/W ND-1300A, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– X[/small]