DVD Music to Wav/Mp3

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Molder, May 2, 2005.

  1. Molder

    Molder Regular member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I have looked and looked in the forum for info on ripping the Audio Track from a DVD and converting the stream to .Wav. I had a guide for here but now I can't locate the darn thing. I know I can use smart ripper or DVDecrypter to get the vob file, but can't remember anything after that, (old age I guess).

    Any help will be appreciated.

  2. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Hi Molder,
    Using DVD Decrypter in IFO mode,
    enable stream-processing,
    select the audio track you desire and demux to separate file.
    (You don't want a VOB file containing audio and muxed video.)
    If your DVD has LPCM audio track, getting your WAV will be very quick & easy :^)
    If you are demuxing AC3 2.0 or 5.1 audio, you must convert (decompress) this audio into WAV format.
    For this I would use AZID.
    BeSweet contains AZID and the job can be done with DanniDin's BeSweet GUI.
    This is a complex program, but the trick is to ignore most!
    You can downmix the 5.1 audio into stereo, with the surround info in matrix (AKA Pro-Logic type surround).
    You can add the LF (subwoofer) channel info into the main L & R channels, at the recommended -3dB.
    If your ultimate destination is audio CD, you can also downsample from 48 to 44.1 kHz.
    AZID will do 2 passes, gaining-up your WAV to reference -0dB, with the option of selecting different levels of dynamic range compression. For concert/music program, 'light' would be appropriate.
    Anyway, see if you can demux your audio with DVD Decrypter (easy).
    If you need help converting AC3 audio, get into a BeSweet guide from here:
  3. haighthis

    haighthis Member

    May 3, 2005
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    i am really confused! so i followed the instructions to use dvd decrypter and used the ifo mode. so now i have an ifo and vob file. still no audio files. what is it that i should do now. thanks for being patient. :)
  4. Molder

    Molder Regular member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Thanks for that, I have previously looked at BeSweet and thought there may have been away to use it, I will give your way a try, fingers crossed it isn't an AC3 format, a .wav would be sweet (no pun intended). I appreciate your time.

  5. diyer

    diyer Member

    Aug 6, 2003
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    Hi people, Mr. _OGS, I followed your instructions given to Molder, setting DVD Decrypter to IFO mode, enabling streaming and Demux, and finally selecting the track I want to rip from the musical DVD (which is AC3/2 ch), but the file I get in my HDD is a VOB file... Am I missing something here?

    I'll really appreciate your help.
  6. vicster

    vicster Guest

    Try "dvd audio ripper" from imtool software studio
    http://www.imtoo.com/ I have had good results with it, and its wasy to use.
    eg I changed my robin williams dvd to cd so I can hear it in the car.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2005
  7. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    You say you have 'selected your track' but, when you enable stream-processing you must then go to the streams and ID which stream you want.
    They are listed there, the main video stream and then sometimes a dozen audio streams (all kinds of AC3 2.0 streams of different languages, Director's commentary, etc).
    The main AC3 5.1 stream will be there; sometimes LPCM too.
    You should unselect all but what you want.
    Highlight the one you want, and then select 'Demux to separate file'.
    You will then not get a VOB (you won't get any video at all!) but rather an AC3 or a WAV - whatever you selected.
    Getting an AC3 is easy. Converting it to stereo WAV, downsampled for CDA (Redbook) CD player is a little tricky for most people...
    But once you get familiar with BeSweet it's really not that hard.
  8. jrx10

    jrx10 Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    reauthor the audio track on the dvd with dvd shrink. hit back-up and under target device select hard disk folder (note:do not check create video and audio ts folders at the bottom), put the reauthor dvd section in the folder of your choice (make sure 'burn with nero" is disabled). this should create a vob file. then use ac3dec (www.ac3dec.com) 1)choose (click) output codec, choose pcm attributes choose 44.1k 16bit stereo. click ok. then check "convert to wav". then hit convert. be sure and choose the vob instead of ac3 in the "files to convert" so it will locate your vob file when you go to folder where you put the vob from shrink. the software will run and then stop (kind of hard to tell when it's finished). the wav file will be created in the same folder that the vob was in. I don't know anything about this ac3dec software, but it seemed to work when I pulled the kill bill theme "goodnight moon" off my kill bill dvd, transferred it from the vob file to wav and then to mp3. I don't know if the stereo wav track produced by this ac3dec is a 5.1 mixdown to stereo or just the FL and FR of the 5.1 to stereo and if you have both the 5.1 and stereo 2.0 tracks checked with dvd shrink which one this ac3dec chooses. I also don't know how to set the gain 1 and gain 2 controls (the resulting wav track was rather low but I just boosted it (amplified it) with audacity before changing it to mp3 with audacity/lame. I can't find any documentation on this ac3dec software, but it seems to work as long as you have an ac3 or vob file.
  9. akyllonen

    akyllonen Regular member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    I tried jrx10's way and I've encountered a problem. I've opened the disc with DVD Shrink and saved to the drive. I ended up with 5 VTS VOB files. I ran them through ac3decode and then I ran it through Audacity to create MP3. It come out as a mp3 but I get errors on playback or trying to edit/clip the soundtrack. THe error on playback is "Does not support WaveOut format" And audacity will not let me play the track as well...it tells me to check my output settings. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. jrx10

    jrx10 Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    how does the .wav track sound that was produced by ac3dec? did you use the 44.1k stereo setting on the ac3dec or the 48k pcm setting? which appears to be the default. and under audacity "file" "preferences" "MP3 setup" what does your mp3 library version say? and what is the bitrate? (mine is lame 3.96 and a 128 bitrate which I guess is standard) the mp3 from audacity/lame (as well as the .wav file from ac3dec) would play in on my computer in wmp (properties show it as mp3) and the mp3 from audacity/lame would play in 1 out of 2 home dvd players. if there is a setting for audacity besides lame 3.96 that is more compatible with older freestanding players, then I would appreciate if someone would post it.
    Last edited: May 18, 2005
  11. akyllonen

    akyllonen Regular member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    Finally got my DVD audio figured out. Use diabolos tutorial below:


    Don't bother with ac3dec at all. Use Decrypter/BeSweet GUI.

    Will be using this to add new custom ringtones to my phone from my DVD collection!
  12. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    You nutty buncha fookers - is that not what I told you to do (hello?)
    I don't know WHAT the fook you're doin', re-authoring with DVDShrink (!) etc, LoL ;^)
    It is a very simple task... and doesn't involve Shrink.
    Why would you read my perfect solution, and then do what jrx10 suggests, LoL?
    He is a n00bie.
    His solution is poor.
    I have explained the procedure many times, previously.
    It's a very simple task...
  13. jrx10

    jrx10 Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    the reauthoring tool in dvd shrink gave me an editor to pull "goodnight moon"(ac3) song off the end of the kill bill movie, from the exact beginning of the song to the exact end of the song. dvd shrink would then automatically create the vob file which was needed for the ac3dec to convert the ac3 in this exact song start to finish, reauthored section to a wav file which I could either convert and burn to mp3 or record directly to cd.[p]while I'm certainly new to converting digital music as well as video from one format to another, I find it very entertaining, that's why I enjoy reading these forums. I was playing around with this ac3dec freeware and saw that it would convert vob or ac3 files to wav which is what I needed. the shink simply gave me a way to produce an edited vob file for this ac3dec (which I assume this software would also convert an ac3 file from dvd decrypter). [p]with all the software that's out there I'm sure there are a number of ways of converting one format to another. I have no idea which conversion process is the best especially when converting a 5.1 ac3 channel off of a dvd down to a 2.0 uncompressed or compressed mp3, when there's not an ac3 2.0 track available (which was one of my previous questions earlier and if the 2.0 track is there you could also eliminate the 5.1 track with dvd shrink and just transfer the 2.0 track onto the vob) because I don't know if the software simply converts LF and RF of the ac3 5.1 mix to the wav L and R stereo track and chops the LR,RR and LFE channels off or it mixes the RR & RF together and LR and LF together. [p]the combo of dvd shrink and this ac3dec software seemed to get the job done for me, and seemed fairly simple. sorry if it's a less-than-elegant or poor way of getting the job done.
    Last edited: May 19, 2005

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