1.The DVD+R/RW format is likely to become the dominating format in 2004 according to most drive and media manufacturers. 2.Lite-On will introduce an 8x DVD writer, the LDW-811S, in late October. A 12x model could follow as early as in the end of Q1 2004 3.AOpen will introduce a 12x DVD+R/RW writer in the beginning of 2004. 4.16x writers could appear in 2004 and will be the max speed for DVD burners. 5. CMC, Ritek and an unamed Japanese manufacturer will start mass production of 8x DVD+R media in mid October. 6.Sony has developed a dual layer DVD+R blank but it will likely never reach production stage because the drives needed to burn it will be too expensive.
Is Sony or HP saying that DVD+ is going to take over? IF so then I would think the opposite. As far as I have read DVD+ is still not reconized by the DVD founders. Sony also says SACD is going to take over audio and the High definition audio thread on this website, sheds light that this is mainly a Sony vision. But the fast burners coming out, if the time line is correct is really cool. I think the only think to solve the Format war will be BlueRay or a massive storage media. Then both will get kicked, being the only way to solve this war. Thanks for the news.