Hello, I'm doing an home-made video of my vacations, and in the end I would like to put the pictures. I'm using Ulead Video Studio 8 that has the capability of adding a personal folder to the disc, the problem is that the movie is bigger than the 4.4Gb and when I try to shrink it with DVD Shrink, it only does the backup of the movie, it doesn't put the pictures. I've got the .iso of the movie with all the arrangements plus the pictures, please tell me one program that I can use to shrink the video and keep the pictures. Thanx, Techniks
Haven't specifically used Ulead video, but can't you just save the shrink file to hard drive then open your original project and replace old bigger movie file with smaller? Only use enough compression so that backup + inserted pictures equal full disc size or else there might be some spotty playback.