Hi All, I'm having problems with backup copies of my movies (e.g Pirate of the Carribean 2 and Barnyard). I use the latest version of Ripit4me, DVD Decrypter and Fix VTS. Oh, and I'm using magmedia DVD+R disks if that makes any difference. The process seems to work fine, and looking at the movies on my PC they play fine. When I burn it to a DVD, however, they seem to get that blocky, pixelated look after a while, then they freeze up. Also, I can only use the scene selection menu for the first few chapters before the disk freezes again. I assume then that the problem is in the DVD burning process. Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
That's usually a reult of poor media/too high burn speed. Burn at 4x and experiment with speeds from there; a good rule of thumb is to burn at 1/2 the rated speed of the media. And use good media, Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim or any made in Japan. Here's a guide to look over: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
Media quality is a huge factor for stand alone players. It's always the first thing to rule out. Do you have the MID code for those blank discs? Use dvd decrypter,nero's infotool,dvdidentier,dvdinfopro to find that MID code- Example: CMC Mag-M01-000 Are those playback issues with those certain titles,or all your backups? Test them out in other stand alone players-the more,the better.Then you can get a general idea of which drive/s are having problems your backups. Here's a few things you have to watch out when using low quality media: 1)Burn speed- Slow it down. Don't put anything important on them. 2)Target size- Keep backup target at around 4300 mbs-this avoids burning the outer edge of disc. 3)Keep compression to a minimum-main movie only. 4) no paper/sticker labels Other things can factor in as well: 5) Fragmented harddrive/s 6) Burn engines 7) Programs that are used for transfering- AVI to DVD 8) Dirty laser lens,on the drive that is at fault-lens cleaning is a last resort. 9) Burner quality-maybe a firmware update is due. 10) Multi-tasking Your pc is playing it's own backups ok. That rules out a lot of culprits.Your stand alone player is telling you something is wrong with your backups. Those culprits are just some of the things that a stand alone player can difficulty with. Top notch media like Verbatim,Taiyo yuden,and Hitachi maxells can prevent a lot of those issues.