I have a Pioneer AVH-6500DVD in dash dvd player in my car. I burn my own music video DVDs using Roxio Easy Media Creator 7.5 For some reason i get an error 99 a lot (which I looked up on Pioneers website to mean unknown format). The thing I dont understand is that sometimes they work and other times they dont. When I used Easy CD/DVD creator 6 I was able to play most of them, but since the upgrade 1 out of every 3 or 4 work. I use Memorex blanks alwyas +R format. Any idea why this may be or what i can do to fix it?
You pretty much figured it out right there! Memorex outsources their media. They'll use prodisc/cmags/and verbatims. The verbatim memosux would be the best quality over those prodiscs and cmags. Your car dvd player is having problems with your backups.Since it plays some,but not all, it's picking up the quality problems on those memosux.If you are on a different batch of memosux,then most likely different MID code. Try some quality plus format media like taiyo yuden/verbatim data life plus/maxell/and japanese sony/fuji. Keep the burn speed under 4x and no multi-tasking.The japanese sony and fuji contains taiyo yuden media.The japanese maxells are hitachi.The ty and verbatim feature quality metal azo dye and are some of the best media in the world.This usually does the trick on picky dvd players. What's the brand name and model# of your dvd-rw drive?
Staple's brand media: Major no-no. Memosux uses a lot of cmags,but staples uses cmags and some even crappier manufacturers.Moser bauer of india is one of them.Probably some even crappier manufacturers. If ty's are in some of those staple's brand,then it may be a certain spindle/jewel case packs/or even a certain format.I can almost guantee that there are different MID codes for each of those different quantity packs.Very difficult to keep track of the good MID codes on those staples. Only the spindles of fuji that say made in japan are taiyo yuden media. The taiwanese fuji's may be prodisc or fujifilm and caution is advised on those MID codes.All those spindles have the same price,but you can get the ty's with high quality compared to the lower quality in the taiwanese fujis.The same goes for maxell. Sony 1x-8x is very good from both taiwan and japan. Lots of tys on the japanese +8x spindles of 50! Only 1 store brand media that I use and highly recommend: Office Depot 8x media. I know their 50 pack and 100 pack spindles are ritek media. Very good media for 25-30 cents each when on sale. Their other speeds may be something different? Other stores like compusa are advised to be cautious,especially on playback issues like bryanfh is having. Here's some MID codes for Fuji: Fujifilm DVD+R 4x (RICOHJPNR01) Fujifilm DVD+R 8x (RICOHJPNR02) Fujifilm DVD+R 8x (YUDEN000T02) Fujifilm DVD+RW 2.4x (RICOHJPNW01) Fujifilm DVD+RW 4x (RICOHJPN W11) Fujifilm DVD-R 1x (RITEKG03....) Fujifilm DVD-R 2x (TAIYOYUDEN..) Fujifilm DVD-R 4x (ProdiscS03) Fujifilm DVD-R 4x (TYG01.......) Fujifilm DVD-R 8x (FUJIFILM03) Fujifilm DVD-R 8x (TYG02) I'd rate the tyg01/ty-g02/yuden000-T02/and taiyoyuden as the Best-All japanese Then the Ricohs and riteks as pretty good-All taiwanese Lastly would be the fujifilm03 and prodisc.You said yours were made in India.
when i first started burning iwas using teon cmags they were junk and very cheap but sometimes they did burn and sometimes not.as for the staples dvd-rs when i used my nero info tool to find out who made these it said manufacturer is fujifilm03 they are fugifilm disks and the case says made in india......... they are fugi disks with the staples name on them i wonder if all staples dvd-rs are fugi ???????????
These are some of the ones to stay away from. Even though thay are sold under the fuji name or staples,they are not taiyo yuden.These are basic 8x fujifilm,which the non-japanese fuji 8x dash media is.The japanese dash fuji should be Ty-g02.The K-mart sale is a good example: The 15 pack spindles were coding as Ty and the 50 pack spindles coding as fujifilm3,I believe. Huge quality difference between those fujifilm3 and ty-g02.Some of those picky stand alones will have problems with the fujifilm,but a better chance with the ty. Those staple's dash packs could have 4 or 5 different manufacturers on them.Depending on what quantity of pack you get.Same goes for memorex. Maybe to 25 packs code great,but the 30 pack or 50 pack are cmags/prodisc/moser bauer/or even some other crappy manufacturer.I do look at country of origin on some of those staples and a lot of them are made in india and taiwan.I haven't seen any of them made in japan,so I avoid them. I'm not up to date on the dash media. To fix problems like bryanfh is having, I use all 3 of my benqs with the high quality plus format and booktype them to dvd-rom,making them a lot higher compatable on stand alones.My backups play anywhere I want to take them to.
ok here is a?????????? i bought some dvd-rs fugi brand (fugifilm03) i thought i was getting ty media how do i get or find out which are ty media?????? fugi disks i think the label should say made in japan where do i find them staples????????? the ones i bought i think they are made in tawain .they are 8x media.......
Local, on sale media is how I get all of mine. For sony and fuji,check the labels for country they were manufactured in.Both these brands in the 8x speed are made in both taiwan and japan. You have to look those labels over carefully. Best buy and staple's are good sources of fuji and sony.If you get them on sale,anywhere from 30-40 cents each! The Plus format for both of these japanese brands have the same MID code: Yuden000-T02. Same exact manufacturer,different brand names! The dash fuji 8x are fujifilm-03,a far lower quality than ty. Those spindles will be all mixed together,so search every one for the made in japan.The same sale price includes either the japanese or taiwanese spindles.
so you say buy fugidvd+rs and they will be tys??????????? Fujifilm DVD+R 8x (RICOHJPNR02) Fujifilm DVD+R 8x (YUDEN000T02) you show here 2 mid codes how do i know which are ty from the label????????????????????????
Fujifilm DVD+R 4x (RICOHJPNR01) Made in Taiwan Fujifilm DVD+R 8x (RICOHJPNR02) Made in Taiwan Fujifilm DVD+R 8x (YUDEN000T02) Made in Japan Fujifilm DVD+RW 2.4x (RICOHJPNW01) Made in Taiwan Fujifilm DVD+RW 4x (RICOHJPN W11) Made in taiwan Fujifilm DVD-R 1x (RITEKG03....) Made in taiwan,though code is not right. Fujifilm DVD-R 2x (TAIYOYUDEN..) Made in Japan Fujifilm DVD-R 4x (ProdiscS03) Made in taiwan? Fujifilm DVD-R 4x (TYG01.......) Made in Japan Fujifilm DVD-R 8x (FUJIFILM03) Not made in japan,yours says India? Fujifilm DVD-R 8x (TYG02) Made in Japan. Look at the outer shrink wrappers,to the left side of the UPC symbol for the country they were manufactured in.Usually japan or taiwan on those fuji's that I am aware of.
Fujifilm DVD-R 8x (FUJIFILM03) Not made in japan,yours says India? my staples dvd-rs say made in india but they are (fugifilm03) my fugi dvd-rs say made in tawian and they are (fugifilm03) both are 8x...........they are the same disks........... but anyway i guess if i want ty media i need fugi dvd+rs that are made in japan wright///////////////???????? all of the dvd-rs said made in tawian i wonder if i could find ones that are made in japan?????
There are lots of japanese ty spindles mixed together with spindles of the taiwanese fuji. 4 weeks ago I picked up 15 of the 30 pack spindles of fuji +8x at staples.All are tys.I looked at every shrink wrapper for made in japan.These were $8.94 a 30 pack with blue/yellow/and green colors. These 30 pack spindles are the only fuji I buy. Sony is notorious for using the same MID code from different countries in the dash format.
Is it the brand that matters or just that its TY? I ask beacuse I did a search for TY media online and I found a place that sells spindles claiming to be 100 pack of Taiyo Yuden 4x DVDs for 26.99 but there is no name brand. it seems like just generica DVDs.
Your plextor 504a may have the booktyping feature. This booktyping changes the plus format and formats them to dvd-rom,making them higher compatable on stand alone players. What programs you using in the dvd backup process? Some of them can change the booktype for you. Taiyo yuden is excellent high quality media,but many fakes are out there. rima.com,supermediastore.com/meritline.com/and americal.com are highly respectibles sites for real taiyo yuden media. The quality media can save you a lot of problems.
I have DVD Xcopy Platinum for copying moves and I use Nero 7 and Easy Media Creator 7.5 for burnign music videos. I will check out one of those sites and order them to see if that helps. Thank you all very much for the info its been very helpful.
I am checking out supermediastore.com and it says they are White Injet Hub Printable. What exactly does Hub Printable mean? does taht mean you can directly print onto a dvd? if so what kind of printer do i need? i used to stick the lables on the DVDs but they would eventually bubble causing them to skip so i have just been writing on them w/ markers lately.
Full hub printables. These are discs that already have the paper on them to print directly onto them using a special printer.I use the epson r-200 stylus photo jet printer. My local staples have them on sale right now for $50 after a $20 rebate,but they are an unadvertised special.That is an excellent price,usually $80-$100.Epson has the r-200/r-300/and r-320 for USA.In europe,canon makes a model,but not sure about exact model #. These full hubs allow you to print up to the inner hole.There are other printables also: silver inkjet printable/regular printable/and then you have silver/shiny thermal printables.All kinds of sites to download your labels,and it's a lot safer than those paper-sticker labels. Here's a pic of my full hub,along with the original: The darker movies turn out better than the lighter ones. Pretty easy: Burn your full hub disc,dowload your label/place dvd in special template for it's special tray,and print directly to the disc.Let dry for 24 hrs and she's ready to play.
saugmon you are the man! thanks for the info. Im gonna order the epson right now. What about the ink? does the ink run out fast on them? I bought a photo printer and i only get like 12 prints out of it before its empty. also, where do you get the cd template from? is there a website that has templates for all movies?
Ink: Here you go: http://private.abacus24-7.com/driver.aspx?topic=compatibility&compat=12973 That's why I picked up my dad one of those r-200's sunday,so we can get a better price on extra ink. Under $20 a set,and it is quality ink. Excellent photo prints! Sites for labels: Here's my favorite: http://covers.to/index.php Locate label/open it up/right click-save picture as and send it to your special folder to download from on your epson print cd software. They've got both the dvd disc and album covers/x-box/ps2/and a slew of others.I go for the higher resolution ones. My case covers turn out super in the best quality settings.I think I can get 30+ case covers and disc covers on 1 set of cartridges using the highest setting.