DVD player recommendation (XVid, no PUOs, etc...)?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Thee_Claw, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. Thee_Claw

    Thee_Claw Guest

    I was wondering if anyone here could recommend a standalone DVD player that would have all or most of the following features... I don't care about the manufacturer or, indeed, anything else about such a player, as long as it has these features, or at least the majority of them.

    The features that I'm looking for (either built in or via changed firmware, factory code, etc...):

    - XVid, DivX5, DivX4, DivX3 compatibility (DivX3 does not need to be 100% compatible, I know many players have problems with this outdated format)
    - packed bitstream and GMC compatibility
    - ideally, QPEL compatibility (but not necessarily)
    - (Other formats - MP3, OGG, JPEG, WMV, etc. - would be nice, but are not necessary at all)

    - Macromedia skipping
    - PUO skipping
    - preferably RCE skipping
    - ideally, DVD9 layer change pause skipping (but this is not a necessary feature)

    - (And, of course, region selection, either manual or automatic - that is always an obvious requirement from a player :))

    My current player does not play QPELs and cannot skip RCE and PUOs, so it's on the "almost" list. :) (As a matter of fact, if the player that I have now could skip those cursed PUOs, I wouldn't even be looking for any other one...)
  2. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    Well, I have the Philips DVP-642 (0531 firmware) and it does almost everything. You still have to use the SYSTEM buttom-twice trick with some divx. The 5960 is the newer version and is supposed to be somewhat better, probably supporting packed streams though I don't know for sure. I don't know of any DVD player that handles OGG, WMV or layer skipping, but it's multiregion (although RCE is a different ballgame - discs with RCE may still cause problems). If you can get a DVP-642 with 0531 firmware or earlier (maybe even 1109), you partially bypass Macrovision, though I understand you still can't make a DVD-to-DVD copy.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2006

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