Hi, I have finally made a DVD which works on my DVD Player, but there is still a problem. When I play the movie, it plays by frames, so the movie doesn't run at it's normal speed. Also, the quality is not that good. I used TMPGEnc DVD Author and Nero to burn my DVD. When I am authoring the DVD, is there anyway I can improve the quality, also it goes by frames and the movie doesn't play normal speed. I used #1 Video Converter to convery my movie, than I used TMPGEnc DVD Author to author my movie. Does anyone know any other video converter which can make a different Audio and Video file, so the video is not with the audio? Also, TMPGEnc Author has a lot of rules, it has to have perfect Bit rate and everything. Does anyone know any other converter I can use? And can somoene answer my other question please? _X_X_X_X_X_[small]LIvE is JusT eVil SpElLed bACkWArdS![/small]