hey guys I have a problem... I ahve been burning my dvd for about 2 years and never had a problem before. but now when i play my dvd's in my player the movie starts great! but half way or at the end of the movie it starts to freeze or you can see like little blocks in the picture! even movies that i burned before and watched that worked perfect dont work anymore.. I use clone dvd with RIDATA dvd's my burner is HL-DT-ST GSA-4167B I have tryed difent dvd's 6 difernt dvd players and the same thing! if you could help that would be great..
Make sure your firmware is current, try another brand of media such as Verbatim and if you are using high levels of compression use DVD Shrink's AEC and Quality Controls.
Hey, I've recently been having the (eerily) same problem. I've been burning movies for about 2 years too (huge dvd collection) and I've just recently started having the same problem with the blocks and pausing. I know its not newer, better-protected movies because I have the same problem after burning older movies. I would understand it if it was every movie once in a while, but it has been happening consistenly over the past week. I just open up a new pack of officemax 8x dvd-r's. I don't know if it's the dvds because I used the same brand during my last 50 batch of movies and I didn't have these problems (unless the current whole 50 is defective). First I thought it was because the hard drive (c drive) was filling up (after encoding, the c drive goes from 17 to 10 gb), but I've since freed up 4 more gbs. I also reinstalled dvd shrink but The Wire and Sherrybaby were having the same problems. Where do you think the problem originated? During the decrypting/encoding or during the burning? Is it possible that after burning hundreds of movies, I've worn out my dvd burner? Did my burn dvd's screw up my dvd player? I would appreciate any help guys. Thanks in advance, this forum has made this movie buff a very happy man.