My DVD-R all of a sudden only acts like a CD-R. It reads & burns CD fines, but has lost all recognition of DVDs either Media or DVD-Rs. i tried restarting computer, uninstalling and reinstalling the drive, etc. The windows new hardware pop-uip activates on startup and it recognized the IOmagic Generic 8X DVD-R, quickly followed by a pop-up for regonizing a CD-ROM (I dont have another drive at all). Yet, it still wont read DDV media. System is Windows XP Athlon 2600+. The only program other than Office that I have are DVD Shrink, Nero ROM, and Pinnacle Studio 9.0. It was in Pinnacle that i noticed this, i was burning some home movies and after i made one DVD, i put another in for the second copy and it said "Please insert disc into drive". After trying a couple of disks, i realized something was wrong. Neither Shrink or Nero then recognized DVDs either. ANY SUGGESTIONS???
Hi, I recommend trying another brand of media. I have never heard of that those type of DVD - R's. The best ones would be either Verbatim or Ritek. Expensive but worth every cent you spent on them! Hope that helps Regards, DiRect
Go into your device manager and delete your DVD drive and the other drive that doesn't exist. Reboot your system and reinstall with the generic XP drivers not the drivers that came with the drive. Maybe your firmware is corrupt try updating it. If that doesn't work maybe you have a defective drive. I assume that it is pretty new since it is an 8x, maybe just one of those pesky bad drives