Why doesn't my NEC DVD/CD RW drive recognize DVD-R blank discs and is there a way I can set my computer to burn to DVD-R discs? I'm using DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter. I can do everything as far as burning up to burning it to a blank DVD but my computer won't recognize these DVD-R discs. I have a P4 2.7 processor, 512 MB of ram, 120 HD, WIN XP and a really cool mouse pad (LOL) Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Are you sure your drive is a dual format burner?? I know a lot of nec drives are +r only. Whats the make of the drive?? Download dvd identifier or dvd infopro (both free) http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/ and it will tell you what discs your drive supports Im tipping your drive is +r only (hence successfuly burning +rw disc)
It is a NEC DVD+RW ND-2100AD. So if it has the + only, I assume I can only burn +R or +RW media. Maybe you guys might know the answer.Thanks
Youv just answered your own question. It wont burn -r discs becauses its not designed to. Try http://www.herrie.org/ (think they are down for a bit) or http://forum.rpc1.org/portal.php for a firmware upgrade (which you do at your own risk
Yup +R only... You can flash the drive, but like deadcat said "at your own risk". An improper flash can ruin your drive. Also why the need to burn -R's? Whats wrong with +R's?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with +R's. I just happened to come across a going out of business sale where they were selling the -R's really really cheap. I just got into this burning thing and didn't know there was a difference. But I bought some DVD+RW and there work just fine. Thanks for all the help guys. I have a different question now though. I've heard there's a way to "compress", I suppose, more than one movie on a disc. How? Thanks again for all the help guys.
what you need to do is navigate on over to the guide section http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/ and youl find what your looking for Also download Dvd Shrink and DVD Decrypter (both free)
I am cheap when it comes to many things. Have learned not to be cheap when it comes to DVD medium. Actually cheaper to use the good stuff from the start. If DVD+R disks are what works with your current hardware & software configuration and your stand alone player(s), don't change it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. As for trying to save a few dollars (or what ever currency you use), think again. Better blank media = better results. There is not much worse than making a "coaster" after doing everything by the book. As for compressing a DVD-9 down to a DVD-5, use DVD shrink (I'm a proponent of it & not as well versed as other members). Check the "guides" section on how to do it. It is a great feeling knowing that the DVD you backed up, is just that. A copy of the expensive original that the grandchild wants to watch, manhandle & otherwise play with. TC
I've never done it, but I believe you can put 2 movies on to 1 dvd. But why? to compress 2 movies you would loose alot of quality. But anyhow, this is how I think. 1) Rip first movie to HD, then put the second movie in your drive 2) Open Shrink, click re-author 3) In the right column, browse for the first movie and add drag all those files to the left column 4) Go back to the right column and browse for the second movie, then drag all of those files to the left column 5) then click ok