Hi, sorry if these seem really easy, but darned if I can't find the answer. Which is compatible with the most players? -- DVD+R or DVD-R? I want to burn a home movie and want it to be able to play in just about any system I can find. Second, is there a program that will tell me what format a disk was burned in originally? And where would I find such a program? I want to try and match up the source and the new blank disc as close as possible. The original has no designation on the disc itself. Thanks for any help!
One more thing--how would you rate Roxio EMC 7? I was going to try that and Nero StartSmart as an alternative. I've got DVD X Copy Xpress too but haven't used it yet. I heard you don't even get menus with that program!
DVD-R seems to be more compatible with dvd players. The older players going back a few years only played -R. As to the second question, go to http://www.dvdinfopro. Download the free program which give all kinds of nice information. Burner manufacturer, firmware version, blank media manufacturer and type, speed tests, etc. Very good little program. Good luck. Jerry
Ok, I looked around and found that DVD Shrink and Decrypter may be all I need to burn. Trouble is, I don't know how to burn the disk after it's on my hard drive. Last night I managed to create an ISO image with Shrink, but now I don't know how to get it off my hard drive and onto a disk. The movie is showing under "Full Disk Backup" in Shrink, and there's a root folder under C: but when i try to open in PowerDVD, I get an "unsupported format" message and when I go to my D: Drive, it still says blank. I assume that it didn't Decrypt and burn. I'm stuck half way there. I've consulted the help files and tutorials and no one mentions this sort of situation. Can someone please tell me what's next?
In the DVDshrink settings there should be a little box checked mark to auto burn with either Nero or Decrypter. If it is checked for decrypter, it will automatically start a burn process after you rip to the hard drive. That will complete the process for you. Jerry
Ok, got it. Thanks for the assist. By the way, for the two step process of shrink-decrypt do you really need both tools? I'm seeing posts on the net about just using one or the other as well as both. Which is the "preferred" method for the best success? And would it be better to use decrypter first? I'm seeing posts about that--to rip it and then shrink--although confused why you can leap frog like that...thought it would be a step by step process. Is it not?
Welcome to our Club there Hellboy, When using DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink, use DVD Decrypter as your burner - Differences between DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink There is a big difference between the way different programs do their job. Think of DVD Decrypter as a Circus Strongman with a sledgehammer who stands in the middle of the room smashing the encryption and miscellaneous DVD IFO files flatter than a pancake with no rhyme or reason except that everything must be flat. DVD Shrink is more like a craftsman, picking apart the encryption and laying everything out so that later it can be reassembled in its proper order. When do the differences show up ? They show up with some DVD’s like Disney’s where the IFO files have to direct the player in and out through the twists and turns of the many VOB files that we all have seen and wonder why that 5.9GB DVD when taken apart in DVD Shrink re-Author or recode2 turns into a 9.2GB of files. It shows up in every DVD filmed in a dual angled mode where again, the IFO files are needed to guide the player from beginning to twisted end of the movie. Smashing with DVD Decrypter all the time can be self-injurious. By that I mean we may well be left without a guide to take us through the twists and turns of the DVD to find our way from beginning to the end of our favorite movie. Using DVD Decrypter on these DVD’s results in sections left out of the film or a part coming before it should. One example given me was one section of the film was played in French with no way to turn it ‘round until the next “angle” of the movie came around (Bugger, that). And THAT Boys and Girls is why we use DVD Shrink all the time and only resort to DVD Decrypter when we come up against a “Tough Nut” that needs “a-bit-“O”-Smashing” because the “Craftsman” got stuck on a particular tough knot that requires that rare “Smashing” approach. “and the Good Huntsman led the little boy and his lovely sister out of the deep, dark woods and into the sunny brightness of the flower strewn meadow, and they all lived happily forever after in a day.” THE END and for an excellent guide (I say this because I wrote it ) Try the bottom of this thread - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/79846 cheers, Pete
Just do the lot with dvd shrink! You can download dvd shrink @ http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_shrink.cfm You'll find all info on how to use shrink at the following. http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/dvd_shrink_3.htm Hope the above helps. Good luck !........
Thanks Pete! That made a lot of sense of the madness! I might try to do the whole thing in shrink, but to be honest, I've found it "a little hard to work with". Still I managed to muddle through two burns now with the two programs--even though it took a couple of days to get it right! So far everything looks pretty good. Conc, is there any difference in the quality by using only shrink instead of both?
I can't see the point in ripping movie files to HD with decrypter (excellent software mind you, but doesn't shrink to fit), and then run shrink to compress to dvd-5 when shrink will do the whole lot for you. I've tried most of the copy software out there and have found shrink to be one of the best and easiest to use. I tend to only back up main movie in re author mode, and with deep analysis on to improve picture and sound quality. It will copy and shrink 99% of all movies to dvd-5 without fuss. Just keep in mind that enabling deep analysis will add up to an extra hour to the process, but will improve the quality of your rips. I highly recommend it !
Oh, sorry. There is no advantage in ripping files with decrypter, and then using shrink to compress. As I said earlier. Shrink will do the lot! Go for it!
Hi conc, Welcome to our forum - I suggest that when you reply to a post you at least check out the links attached to the posts - many times they clarify the "Muddy" parts - I did not, at anytime suggest to Hellboy that he use DVD Decrypter to rip his DVD. I am firmly against using DVD Decrypter when DVD Shrink is available. If you would have read my guide, I used DVD Decrypter as a default burner for DVD Shrink. DVD Shrink will do almost the whole thing but it doesn't burn. DVD Shrink can be set for either Nero OR DVD Decrypter as a default burner. I think that with all the B&W, Nero is a smart purchase but some of our new friends don't have the $50.00(USD) to purchase Nero so I like to start them out with all free stuff. Not everyone is into burning backups enough to lay out $$$$ at the very start - cheers Hellboy, There is no muddle about it - if you print out my guide, every single step is spelled out - The hardest part is setting it up the first time. Once the that has been done it takes just 3 mouse clicks to go from beginning to end - Sea Yaaaaaaaaa, Pete
Sorry Pete, didn't make myself clear about that point. I "muddled" before you gave the guide link. I haven't yet tried your guide, although it's odd that it did work out almost that same way when I burned--shrink, checked decrypter, and decrypt burned. I'll be sure to follow the guide next time though to make it easier. Right now, just glad that it worked!
There ya go - Congrats on your burn - you're ready to go - Use the guide for a check list - the next time it will take you just 3 clicks to go from start to finish - When you get comfortable with it, stop back and we'll teach you another way to go - Get used to that way first - keep that burner going - Sea Yaaaaaaa Pete
Hi Pete, yes you're right with what you say. I didn't mean to muddle things up for hellboy. I thought that if hellboy had nero installed, he needn't bother with other programs when shrink could do the lot. I seldom bother with anything else. You are also correct when you suggest decrypter as it does have burning capabilities, and does work in conjunction with shrink to get the same result. I was merely trying to help hellboy get started. Anyway, I'm glad to read that hellboy is up and running now. Keep up the good work up !
conc, I do not wish to burst your shrink bubble, it is a good freeware for what it does, I also started out with it, but it is by far down the quality totem pole. I don't know how long you've been burning, but when you're ready to lay out some bucks try Pinnacle InstantCopy 8(only 25.00) or Intervideo's dvdcopy2(a little pricier at 79.00), both work well with decryptor as the ripper, and then evrything else is done in these programs. Quality is unbelievable. Even Nero's recode is heads above shrink(same bunch on both, that's why their re-authoring menus are similiar), plus any re-authoring in recode does not destroy menu function as in shrink, I prefer a working menu in my movies. Another good thing about recode is it comes in a total package that covers all video and audio needs. Anyway, food for thought.... Adios
The interesting thing and part I can't figure out is that I do have Nero 6--it's the trial version but it should be good to go. Yet shrink doesn't default to it when I'm ready to burn like it's supposed to be able to do. Any thoughts?
Hellboy, click on the backup button in shrink, select target device, burn with nero to following burner, select your burner, no need to open nero, wait til done. here's a good guide http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd9_to_dvdr_with_dvd_shrink.cfm _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
Hellboy, DVD Shrink can use either one but like a really stupid child it has to be told which to use - it's just a matter of checking the correct boxes - I may have mentioned it before, it is getting about time you tried things and when something works get comfortable with it - the reason things seem confusing is because you haven't had to do it the way we have by reading, making mistakes and trying different methods - That's why, throughout life, you're more successful trying to do one thing at a time - Why not do try to do one thing first - at this point it doesn't matter what but without any experience at all, it becomes harder for us and more confusing for you to explain about something totally different than what our goal was to start. If you were going to try my guide, good, do it, ask questions about it and understand it a tiny bit. When you have some confidence and some feel for it, we'll talk about Nero's place - it will fall right in line. Actually Hellboy we have tons of thoughts but once again are you trying to confuse your self with a mass of knowledge and no experience ? If you want to work with DVD Shrink and Nero, fine, don't worry about DVD Decrypter. Pick something, anything, but stay with it and get comfortable with it, ask questions about it - You say you made a couple of burns but don't know how - stay with one thing - when you know how, we'll move on - We're willing to help but, for one, I'm not here if you can't or won't make an effort to use what we've given you - Sea Yaaaaaaaaa, Pete
Pete, didn't realize all that was goin' on behind the scene, just saw his question and answered it, guess I shoulda read the entire thread. Hope I didn't waste my time as I have lately with several others.