just wondering what media you have to use for burning an iso. I've been using dvd-r all this time but is it possible to use dvd+r and will it work ok?
My Xbox reads DVD+R guess the only way to know is if you try it. But why would you want to change if the media your using now is working fine. Thats the worst thing you can do. Stick with whats working
its just that i got some games on my hard drive but i got nothing but dvd6r's and i cant be bothered buyin dvd-r's again if + will work.
My Xbox reads DVD+R It really despends on your drive. All I can say is try it with DVD+R and if that dosent work then try changing the booktype of the DVD+R disc into DVD-ROM for better compatibility. What program do you use to burn the DVD with?
Ok if it has trouble reading the DVD+R disc then try booking typing the DVD+R to DVD-ROM you booktype with DVD Decryptor by opening DVD decryptor Click on "TOOLS" at the top then go to "DRIVE" then in that list that pop's out click on "CHANGE BOOKTYPE" Now another window pops up. you need to choose the tab that has the Brand of burnner you have. Then go to the pull down menu option part that says "change for" and choose change for (DVD+R/DVD+R DL) Now in the new setting option pull down menu and choose "DVD-ROM" then click on the CHANGE button in the right bottem cornner and it should burn your DVD+R as DVD-ROM now