DVD-R Playback in Standalone Player has Boxes, is Garbled, and has Spots.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by phillies, Nov 7, 2003.

  1. phillies

    phillies Member

    Nov 7, 2003
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    I'm trying to backup my movie collection and I am using FujiFilm DVD-R 4X disks. I'm using DvdShrink ver. 2.3 and Nero 6 Dvd-Video mode. When I finish burning to the dvd-r I can play the disks fine on my computer using PowerDVD. When I play the disks on my standalone dvd player (Panasonic DVD-RV32K)the picture gets scrambled, garbled, boxes appear randomly, sometimes the picture goes black for a few seconds and audio cuts out for a second or two. I have no problem playing any store purchased dvd just dvd-r has problems. I thought maybe it was bad media but I did burn one dvd-r disk that plays on the standalone without a problem. Any ideas?
  2. #afonic

    #afonic Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Probably it's media, even if you finally made one disc to work.

    I suggest you try some better media (Ritek, TDK) and if you still have problems with them ask for help. Try also burning in lower speed.
  3. koola

    koola Guest

    Could be bad media, but it sounds like ASPI drivers again. Check that you have the latest version of these drivers.

    Get ASPI drivers here:http://download.com.com/3000-2098-10219041.html

    It could also be your Firmware which can also be updated from here:http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php
  4. phillies

    phillies Member

    Nov 7, 2003
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    Well I think I solved the problem. I purchased a Toshiba SD-4900 DVD player for $95. It played the disks without any garbled, boxes, etc. My guess is my original DVD player is on the blink.
  5. koola

    koola Guest

    Glad to hear its solved!

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