DVD-R wont read in my DVD+R drive

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by yugenp, Nov 17, 2002.

  1. yugenp

    yugenp Guest

    My friend burnt a home movie onto a DVD-R disc. She can play it on her computer fine.

    I have a HP DVD+R drive, and i cannot play the disc. The drive does not even detect the disc. I have no problems with discs i create thought, and originals also work fine.

    What is the issue?
    Should i be able to read the CD-R media, or are they not compatable? Or is it that my laser is sensitive to her discs??

    thanks for your help,
  2. ecubilla

    ecubilla Guest

    Depending on the model of your HP. It may be that it can read only DVD+R/RW formats. Also, the lasers are sensitive, so your DVD drive doesn't like the type of DVD-R your friend used,

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