DVD Read Error

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by FastAssEG, Aug 4, 2004.

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  1. FastAssEG

    FastAssEG Guest

    I get burnt copies of dvd's from my freind. They are Ritek G04. When i try to copy them or burn an image, I always get a read error anywhere from 75-99% into the process. I am either using my DVD Drive or DVD Burner (NEC ND-1300A) to read the disc. I get the same error using either drive. I also get the same error if I use Nero or Disc Juggler 4.10.1084.

    Well I go burn them at a different freinds house who is using same version of Nero and is using a Pioneer A06 and it burns fine. Now I take the newest burnt one and try it on my computer and it will burn without a single problem, but the original still won't burn and give errors.

    Can anyone help me with this?

    I hope this pic looks ok.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2004
  2. michigan

    michigan Guest

    [bold]I get burnt copies of dvd's from my freind
    Can anyone help me with this? [/bold]
    Maybe your computer is trying to keep you from breaking the AD rules and the law. If it's not your original disc it is unlawful to make a copy.

    Good luck
  3. FastAssEG

    FastAssEG Guest

    Well Yes it is a pirated disc if that is what u want to call it. It is not a backup but an original of a movie that ain't out yet if u want me to be specific.

    Cause u don't do this right? And everyone on here is making backups of originals right including yourself?
  4. michigan

    michigan Guest

    [bold]Well Yes it is a pirated disc if that is what u want to call it. It is not a backup but an original of a movie that ain't out yet if u want me to be specific.[/bold]

    Not really

    [bold]Cause u don't do this right?[/bold]

    No, I do not.

    [bold]And everyone on here is making backups of originals right including yourself?[/bold]

    I hope everyone is, that's the rules genius. And I own 182 originals and counting. I do backups for friends and relatives only if they own the original. There are still honest law abiding people in the world. Good bye
  5. kyle2k4

    kyle2k4 Guest

    i highly doubt that anyone that has 182 "originals" has not duped a single dvd that he/she doesn't own the original....... i mean come on, get real. the genius is the person smart enough not to believe that completely. i am honest person too, but i have duped some - as have most.

    btw - i have had this same problem. have yet to find a solution to it.
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

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