DVD reading errors

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by delusion2, Aug 27, 2003.

  1. delusion2

    delusion2 Guest

    hi guys,

    I'm having some problems using dvd shrink. At first it all worked fine but then I had more and more reading errors on burned dvds (dvd-r). The errors occure at the end of the disc (last chapters) and the player can't read the sectors correctly. I tried it on several dvd-players.. I'm not sure where the problem could be. I'm using the newest nero (6.whatever) to burn the files. Could nero be the critical factor?

    did you experience similar stuff?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2003
  2. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Nero could be the critical factor. What way are you burning the discs?

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