dvd recorder and video tapes

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by mcdm, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. mcdm

    mcdm Guest

    I have lots of videos and was wondering if I buy a dvd recorder can I play a video tape and burn it?
    are there any copyright protection issues, and do I need anything else?
    any help ideas please thank you in advance.
  2. rulisky

    rulisky Regular member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    To answer part of your question: If you have a DVD/VCR combo machine you will be able to dub to/from disk/tape. All machines (as far as I know) will NOT do copyright material.

    There are probably ways around this. I do not know what additional would be required. Someone else would be more qualified to address that issue.
  3. byngo

    byngo Regular member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    I assume you buy a standalone DVD recorder (not a combo vhs dvd unit)
    but all recorders will pick up the Macrovision protection on comercial VHS tapes.

    1) Have a couple of DVD recorders in mind and do a search for a MAcrovision hack for them. This is usually a key code entered via the remote control but often also makes the unit region free.
    2)Connect the two units via a scart method but do a search for a special scart lead which has a micro chip in it which cuts out the macrovision signal between the two units. ( I have one of these and it works well)

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