hi guys, its been a while since ive posted here, but its looking as good as ever! anyways, we just got a dvd recorder, but have a slight problem. it only has 1 audio output! :S basically, the manual says you either connect it to 5.1ch out (L, R, SL, SR, SUB, CENTRE) OR you connect it to the TV via L and R only. as i will be using the recorder as a standard DVD player aswell, i want it to be able to be hooked upto the TV aswell as the 5.1ch stereo. how can i do it? can i use RCA splitters to split the DVD recorders output to go to the TV and the 5.1ch stereo? i wouldnt ever be using both at the same time, its just wen i record something off the TV i have to have the 5.1ch Stereo on aswell, which doesnt seem right, and the audio is recorded in 5.1ch and sounds weird. i dont see a problem with using RCA splitters, coz wen i record off TV, ill be using the TV speakers (normal 2ch) (stereo off) and if i want to watch a DVD ill just mute the TV and put it thru the 5.1ch stereo. sound about right? cheers for any help! - mad89
If you plan to use this recorder with your home stereo, forget it. Take it back. Almost all DVD recorders have digital audio out, as well as RCA outs.
hmm. it does have a digital output, but my stereo lacks a digital output/input. so i must use the RCAs. the problem is sorted now thanks anyways tho.