DVD Recorder Hook up

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by kcjau1, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. kcjau1

    kcjau1 Member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    9. February 2005 @ 21:46
    Hi Bigorange
    having problams in tuning my Panasonic DMR-E85H DVD Recorder to cable Box, I looked up your notes (16, November 2004 @ 7:47) with the three options of connecting. option 2 seems interesting, where you can record scrambled channels,
    (Q)1. How is this achived? my connection is, Black coax cable, from the cable box out to input into Recorder, from Recorder to TV (Q)2. Is this right?. You mention channel 3 on the recorder, is it AV3 or just channel 3 and do you have to set it to 3 or is this done automaticly?
    My e-mail is NoEmailsAllowed@afterdawn.com . Please help.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2005
  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    moved from dvd-r newbies.

    Read the forum rules. No email allowed.
  3. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Could you give me the thread addy(copy and paste) so I can look at it to refresh my memory?

    To hook up the recorder so it will record scrambled channels you have to go thru the cable box first. Also, only channels you are getting thru your cable subscription will be recordable. This is just a basic cable hookup.

    No.1-run your coax cable into your cable box.

    No.2- then run your coax cable from your box output to your cable input on your recorder.

    No.3- run the coax cable from your recorder cable output to your TV cable input.

    Also, your recorder will be on channel 3(or 4 depending on which you choose) ONLY. There is no need to do your channel search setup, because you are going thru the box, any other channel will be static. If you run your coax to your recorder first(instead of the box) then you would use channel setup, but you won't be able to record pay per view, premium movie channels, etc. that way.

    Also, unless your TV has more than one cable input you'll have to watch what you record using the box first method. That's no biggie for me, I split my cable and ran it into two cable inputs on my TV, so when I record I just go to the other cable input to watch something else. Of course the other input won't have movie channels, etc.(because it's not going thru your box, or else it would defeat the purpose) but you have 70 or 80 basic channels you can watch while recording off the box.

    To get better audio and video from the recorder-If you have component inputs it would be best(three for video and two for audio., second best would be your S-video plug and two for audio, third would be the standard tri patch cord, red and white for audio, and one yellow for video.

    If I knew your DVD recorder and TV makes and models I could help you better. Also, do you have a Stereo receiver for your audio(like 5.1 surround) or do you just use your TV for sound? Using a Stereo amp it's better to run your audio thru it, then to your TV and run your video directly to your TV bypassing the reciever video inputs. So, if you use a reciever for sound include the make and model of it too.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2005
  4. kcjau1

    kcjau1 Member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Thanks for all the trouble you are taking to help, Thanks
    ok My DVD recorder is Panasonic DMR-E85H
    TV Is also panasonic TX-32LX1A
    TV:Terminals Rear Component Video in x1,AVIn x2,
    S-video in x2, Monitor Out x1,Audio Out x1,Areal in.

    Panasonic DVD Recorder Rear:
    1 OUT: Red,White,Yellow,S Video.
    1 In: AV4 Red, White,Tellow, S Video.
    Two 21 pin Scart Cable AV1, AV2.
    1 Component Video Out
    Aerial in & Out.

    I dont have a receiver, but thinking of buying a HD TV set top box.
    Thanks a million
  5. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    OK, run your coax out of your box to the coax input of your recorder, then run your coax output of the recorder to the coax input of the TV.

    Then run your patch cord out of the recorder from the component output(three jacks, 2-P's and 1-Y) to the component input of your TV. This will give you superior video.

    Then run your 2 audio patch cord(1-red, 1-white) of your audio output of the recorder to the audio input of your TV.

    Make sure your audio and component video from the recorder are going to the same input on your TV. IOW, don't run one to the TV input 1 and the other to the TV input 2, etc.

    Hope I'm not confusing you more,LOL :>)

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