dvd recorder

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by rtrg, Feb 19, 2009.

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  1. rtrg

    rtrg Regular member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    In reference to my PHILIPS DVDR985. The unit is fully functional. Only one issue. The unit CANNOT record COPYWRITED discs. Error mess displayed. I was using a STABILIZER with my previous player/vcr combination of two units. It allowed the CP disc to play and the vcr to record. I have since changed units so I no longer use it. The STABILIZER makes no difference when playing CP discs. The disc will play through the recorder with or without the STABILIZER. Is ther a BLACK BOX that will DEFEAT ALL forms of protection so the recorder sees the disc as NOT protected. It will record such discs very well. A CP disc will also play and record to a vcr, again with and without the STABILIZER. If a BLACK BOX exists, what is it called, where on the web can I order one, cost? Any help welcome.
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