I just purchaced the new DVD X copy (never used any DVD copy software before) I have also installed a New Ikebana DVD+R/DVD+RW drive on my PC - I can burn RW DVD's with the software that came with the drive - BUT I can not make Backup DVD's with the DVD X Copy software - I keep getting errors about 12 seconds before the end of the whole 1 hour process! The Drive Error Code coming up is 02020408h --- Any one got any Ideas? Who can I get some help from on this? You can email me direct if you wish at hal@cephones.com THANX_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Hal - C. E. Communications "Your Complete Communications Connection" Featuring NORSTAR Meridian Systems[/small]
That error code seems to be referring to gear not being able to write the lead-out track. If you got nero go into dvdxcopy's advanced options and chose it as your burning engine.