DVD-Rom Misread Capacity Content of

Discussion in 'DVD-ROM drives' started by sckf29, Jan 17, 2005.

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  1. sckf29

    sckf29 Member

    Jan 15, 2005
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    VOB FilesI am not a computer-savvy person here so pardon me if I screw up some. If you need more info please do tell. A friend of mine watches DVD on his PC using an Asus DVD-Rom Model E616 and an Asus DVD XP software. He doesn't have a DVD player.

    Recently he purchased a DVD but the DVD-Rom won't play it. Instead an error message as below appears:

    A disc with an unsupported format in drive F:

    Upon exploring the files in the DVD, he discovered that 6 of the VOB files in the VIDEO_TS folder registered 0kb worth of files. He knows enough that without these files the DVD is generally an empty disc.

    The strange thing is, when he brought the DVD back to the shop to exchange it, the shopkeeper tested it on a DVD player and it plays the movie just fine. In short, the DVD is just fine and he couldn't exchange it. Now he is stuck with a DVD he can't watch (having to go to someone with a DVD player everytime he wants to watch the movie is a general nuisance which I'm sure you will agree).

    So he asked me if there is anyway to enable his DVD-Rom to play the DVD. In other words, rectify the problem. So I forward this problem to you all. Could this problem be firmware related?

    Other further infos in Q&A form:

    Where was the DVD bought?
    A DVD store.

    What DVD is it?
    An all region DVD.

    Is it a legal DVD?
    Not sure about this one. It could probably be a non-legal one.

    Has this person tried other software to play the DVD?
    The latest version of Windows Media Player and Real Player that enables DVD playing, Nero Showtime and Asus DVD XP all with the same results.

    Can the DVD-Rom play other DVDs?
    Yes, it works fine with other DVDs including other DVDs he bought from the same store.

    Thank you very much.

  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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