hey guys, i have an old dvd rom that i decided to put into my new computer (cause im too cheap to buy a new one, lol). after i installed it it would read and i noticed the the tray wasnt moving up so that it could spin the disk. i opened it up and fixed it, but now it will read cd roms but no dvd. when i put in a disk with dvd data on it, it reads it for a while then it says the it cant read cause it not formated or not compatible, but when i try it on my laptop it works fine. any ideas?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Description=dvd+rom Can't get much cheaper and if you are in a hurry then go to the WalMart, got mine for 20 bucks.
alright, i think thats what i was going to end up doing anyway, lol. im looking to get a sata one now.